[Hawaii Five-0] Beyond Good and Evil

Dec 13, 2011 04:39

Title: Beyond Good and Evil
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~ 1,600
Disclaimer: In no way, shape, or form do these characters belong to me.
Summary: He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
Notes: Takes place in this 'verse. Inspired by an exchange with hillshollow. :D?

Discovering that Steve actually knows how to sew, that he was some kind of Scout, wasn't a surprise so much as it confirmed a long-held belief of Danny's. The thing was, though, Danny had expected that little revelation of Steve's to be the extent of, well. Everything.

"He's what?" Danny isn't sure he wants to know.

"Quilting." Kono looks like she doesn't know what to do with that information anymore than Danny does.


Kono nods. "Quilting."

Danny thinks about it for a moment. Holds up a finger, and pauses. Opens his mouth, to say something, but nothing comes out.

"He was talking to Chin about fat quarters and something having to do with bearding." Kono finally looks at him. "Danny." She looks lost. "Danny I don't even know what that means."


"You're scaring the rookie." The fact that Danny says this to Steve while Steve is...Steve is doing something with various pieces of fabric at the kitchen table is only slightly odd. "Is this payback for the crocheting?" Danny asks, knowing in his heart of hearts it probably is, but Steve will never admit it. "Or the sweater? Because it's not like you didn't have it coming to you."

"Quilting is a long-standing family tradition," Steve says, not looking up from whatever the hell he's doing. "People all over the world have created beautiful hand-crafted quilts." Steve's starting to sound like something out of a documentary, which Danny knows will not end well.

"Yes, okay," he says, holding a hand up to stop Steve from giving him what will no doubt be a long and detailed history of the noble art of quilting. "Fine. I am fine with," Danny waves a hand at Steve, the table, the pile of fabric Steve has somehow managed to amass without Danny noticing. "I am fine with all of this," he says. "What I am not fine with is you scaring the rookie. I'm not really all that happy with you corrupting Chin either, but I'm going to let that one go as I'm fairly certain it's too late to do anything about that."

Chin was a lost cause long before Danny met him. Danny doesn't know much about Steve's father other than what he's managed to piece together from what Steve and Chin have said, but he has a feeling the apple didn't fall too far from the tree.

Steve gives him an annoyed look. "Quilting," he starts, about to go off on all the reasons quilting is awesome and how sad it is that Danny doesn't understand.

"Steven," Danny says, bringing his other hand up in the universal sign for timeout. "I'm sure you're about to regale me with the rich and storied history behind quilting, but I'm good for now, okay? If you could just stop scaring the rookie, I'd appreciate it. Consider if a personal favor, if you will."


"I know what a nine patch is," Kono says the next day looking a little frazzled. Steve and Chin have pieces of fabric spread out on the computer table, and Chin has some kind of pattern up on the monitors while they work. "Danny. I know what a nine patch is."


There's. Something is covering the computer table. Danny can see Kono reaching for her gun from the corner of his eye.

Steve and Chin are wearing identical shit-eating grins, and Danny just wants the horrible day to be over. "You guys are bastards," he says, impressed in spite of himself. The colors alone.

Steve puffs his chest out and rocks on his heels a little bit. "Well," he says. "You know there are times when we have to pull all-nighters," he shrugs, like he isn't an asshole. "We just thought it would be a good idea to keep a blanket or a quilt around."

Danny's eyes narrow.

"Do you like it?" Chin asks, eyes on Danny. "We made it ourselves."

Kono moves to stand next to Danny, presenting a united front. "Oh, it's on," she says. "No mercy."

Danny kind of wants to die. He knows where this is headed, he's seen the fall-out between his own family members before. There are no winners when it comes to an ugly-off between crafters. Kono clearly has no idea what she's just gotten them into, and going from the looks on Steve and Chin's faces, neither do they. "Rookie - "

"Come on," she says, grabbing Danny's arm. "We have plans to make."


"Oh, Daniel." Rachel pats his shoulder and offers him more tea. There's very little actual sympathy to be had, however. "You really did bring this upon yourself with the sweater incident."

Grace wraps her arms around him and hugs him for all she's worth. "Oh, Danno," she says, like she knows just how screwed Danny is. “It'll be okay.”

Danny's never been that lucky.


"We can't let them win." Kono has been scouring the internet in search of the most hideous crochet patterns known to humankind without much luck. "We'll never hear the end of it."

Danny doesn't know how things got so out of hand so quickly. "Rookie - "

"What do you think about this?" Kono asks, bringing up another site. "The tentacles are a nice touch."

"...I don't think those are tentacles," Danny says.

Kono frowns and squints at the image on the screen. "If they're not tentacles, what - Oh my God," she says, and quickly hits the back button.

"Yeah," Danny says, wishing there really was such a thing as brain bleach. "Pretty much."


"This has to stop." Danny would like to say it's for Kono's sanity. Really, though, it's more to do with the fact he's seen more crimes against humanity in crochet form than any sane being should ever have to.

Steve's expression says he has no idea what Danny's talking about. "I have no idea what you're talking about," Steve says around the pins in his mouth. "Hand me the scissors, please."

Danny sighs and slides the scissors over to Steve. "Steve," he says. "Steve, you haven't blown anything up in two weeks." Danny lets that sink in. "Two weeks, Steve."

There's a long minute of silence.

"My God," Steve says, tone completely flat. "What have I become?"

"Shut up," Danny says, leaning forward. "Either you put a stop to this, or I do. Your choice."

Steve, the idiot, smirks like he doesn't think Danny will follow through.


"I need Grace." It's the middle of the week, but Danny doesn't know what else he can do. Nothing else has gotten through to his teammates.

Rachel frowns. "Daniel - "

"Rachel." Danny rubs a hand over his face. "Rachel, you know what can happen."

Rachel sighs. "It's that bad, then?"


"As long as she's amenable," Rachel allows, a faint hint of amusement in her voice.

"It's not funny, Rachel," Danny says, but he has a feeling the effect is ruined by his own smile.

"Heavens, no," Rachel manages. "Of course not."


Calling it an intervention is a little. A little something, but there's really no other way to describe it. There's more than a touch of Tiny Tim, what with Grace setting her puppy dog eyes to kill, but it's not as though they gave him much of a choice.

"Please," Grace says, hands clasped under her chin. "Please, you have to stop this."

Danny looks at the others, gaze landing on Steve. "I warned you," he says, when Steve glares at him.

Just as Kono's about to say something, probably hoping to reassure Grace the three of them know what they're doing, that they won't let the ugly-off tear them apart, Grace pulls the thing out of the plastic bag at her feet.

"Don't let this happen to you," she says, earnest and heartfelt as the others draw back in disgust and horror at the sight of what she's holding. "Please."


"Low blow bringing Grace into it," Steve says much, much later.

Danny shrugs and takes a drink of his beer. Kono and Chin are at a table, heads close together as they talk. Hopefully about things that won't star in someone's nightmare. "I warned you, McGarrett," he says. Shakes his head. "You didn't listen."

No one ever does, until it's too late. Ugly-offs are like that.

"I just. What was that?" Steve asks.

Danny glances at him, knowing that Steve's talking about the abomination Grace had shown them. "No one knows. It's been passed down from generation to generation in my family."

Steve stares at him.

"What?" Danny asks, a little defensively. "You think I'm new to this? Let me tell you, bucko, the Williams family is no stranger to this kind of thing." Ugly-offs are as much a tradition as knitting or crocheting in Danny's family.

Steve keeps staring at him.

"Shut up," Danny says, pointing a finger at Steve. "You just shut the hell up."

Steve laughs because he's an asshole. An asshole who apparently likes to quilt when he's not running around shooting at things and making them explode for the hell of it. Danny doesn't know how, but this is his life now.

"Come on," Steve says, pushing lightly at Danny's shoulder. "Let's go see what Kono and Chin are doing."

Danny gives Steve a narrow-eyed look. "I blame you for whatever they're up to, McGarrett" he says, meaning more than Kono and Chin plotting to take over the world as he lets Steve steer him toward the table they have staked out. "I blame you for all of this."

Steve smiles like he's fine with that, fine with accepting the blame for bringing the four of them together. "Yeah," he says, laughing a little. "Somehow I'm okay with that."

Danny grumbles, more for show because it's not like he can let Steve think he's won something here, but when Kono and Chin greet them with slightly worrying smiles, Danny has to admit, if only to himself, that he's pretty okay with that too.

Posted at http://kitsune-tsuki.dreamwidth.org/386814.html. | You can reply here or there. |

don't judge me!, hawaii five-0 fic, bamfs who craft, hawaii five-0, wtf, fic

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