(no subject)

Nov 27, 2011 03:45

Have plans to watch many, many superhero movies with friends this weekend, among them Green Lantern. Also, I have a drawing-thing on my phone, and am prone to bouts of boredom. These two things should never be allowed to mix, as I then have horrible brainthoughts, and then I am just why, because really. Why?

"It's a pineapple!" Steve says, with the kind of delight a small child might have.

Danny just stares.

"A pineapple!" Steve repeats, flashing a thumb's up at Danny with his free hand. "Because, you know. Pineapple!"

Danny doesn't know, actually. "I see that," he says gently. "I just don't understand why all...this. "

Steve glances at him for a brief moment before he looks back at the deformed pineapple-thing. "I told you," Steve frowns as the deformed pineapple-thing wobbles, his concentration faltering. "I'm doing a favor for a friend."

"No, yeah," Danny says, watching as the deformed pineapple-thing starts to look more like an actual pineapple, even if it is green, glowy, and floating. "When my friends ask me for a favor, it's usually something along the lines of loaning them money or tools. And, more often than not, something involving the moving of heavy furniture. Not." Danny grimaces. Only Steve, okay, only Steve. "Not whatever this is," he finally settles for, waving a hand at the glowy pineapple-thing.

Steve shrugs, and the glowy pineapple-thing vanishes. "He was in a bind."

Danny stares at Steve, considering an appropriate response. After several long moments with Steve looking at him like an excited puppy, Danny realizes that there is no appropriate response to the whole situation. For some reason the discovery that Steve is friends with someone who is an honest to God superhero isn't the main problem. No, no that's fine. "Just." Danny sighs, defeated. "Just don't blow up anything important, okay? Try to keep the property damage to a minimum."

Posted at http://kitsune-tsuki.dreamwidth.org/383541.html. | You can reply here or there. |

don't judge me!, movies, hawaii five-0 fic, hawaii five-0, crossover, wtf, fic

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