(no subject)

Aug 05, 2011 21:40

So there was this thing, and then there was...something, I don't know what, and now there is this. Thing.

Danny can only imagine what it's like in Steve's head at the best of times, so when Steve proposes to him in the middle of a gunfight, well. Who the hell knows with Steve, is the thing.


The proposal goes a little something like this:

"You're a bastard, McGarrett!" Danny's pinned down behind a dumpster while some guy shoots at him, probably because Danny knows Steve and these things just tend to happen. Whatever, it's been that kind of day.

Steve is a few feet ahead of Danny, using the Camaro for cover, and if they make it out of this alive Danny is going to have words with him about that, see if he doesn't. Steve is also smiling a little, which. Okay, Danny knows Steve's logic is in no way related to Earth logic, so it follows that his idea of a good time is likewise going to be...different.

Steve glances back at Danny, mouth pulled up into a ridiculous, goofy smile, and just. What. What is Danny supposed to do with that? Also, there are bullets, so maybe he should be thinking about that instead, but really. There's Steve and Steve's stupid smile, and oh, God. What.

"I have a ring!" Steve yells, like that's supposed to make sense.

Danny leans around the edge of his dumpster to check on the guy shooting at them, and jerks back behind cover when the guy notices Danny. Still armed, still shooting. All good things to know. "That's nice!" Danny has given up on trying to follow Steve's train of thought when he gets like this. "I'm happy for you!"

A beat of silence from Steve, which could mean anything from Steve coming up with a strategy to take the gunman down to pondering such things as what he wants for lunch, or if there really is such a thing as having too many knives, and then, "You want it?"

"What?" Danny stares at Steve like he's. Well, Steve.

Steve's looking back at Danny, gunman forgotten. "Do you want the ring?"

Danny stares at Steve some more because this is new. (Not the being shot at part, that's old hat for them now.) After a moment, Steve looks away. To anyone else it would seem like he's doing the smart thing and focusing on the guy who's doing his level best to kill them, but to Danny it reads as anything but.

"Oh for fuck's sake," Danny mutters when he realizes what Steve's asking, running a hand over his face and feeling stupid and ridiculous and this, okay. This is his fucking life now because Steve has proven to be this bizarre freak of nature in all the best ways, and Danny is kind of fond him in all the worst ways. There are probably reasons, real and imagined as to why this is a terrible, horrible, idea, and yet here and now, Danny can't think of a single one. (Lies, but Danny figures they'll still get shot at by people who have a problem with Steve's...Steve-ness married or not.)

"Yeah, okay," Danny says. Yells. Whatever. They're still being shot at. "Why the hell not?"


"Wow," Kono says, once the shooting has stopped and they're back at HQ. "You guys are so romantic."

"Shut it," Danny says. "Also, you get the paperwork on this one, McGarrett. I'm not explaining it to the governor."

"I can't wait for the ceremony," Chin says, no doubt imagining a scene out of a war movie that could double as a normal day in the life for them, only with more flowers and music because there's no way Kono or Rachel will let them get away with a simple private ceremony.

"I hate all of you," Danny says, face in his hands. Steve has the kind of smile on his face that means he's thinking fondly of live ordnance, and oh, God, what has Danny done?

Posted at http://kitsune-tsuki.dreamwidth.org/371724.html. | You can reply here or there. |

don't judge me!, hawaii five-0 fic, hawaii five-0, wtf

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