(no subject)

Jul 22, 2011 15:35

Today I made a trip to the store because there were things I needed to pick up and there was awkwardness.

The person ahead of both of us had a billion things they were buying, which, hey. I didn't have anywhere to be, so it was all good. This meant that the person who chose to make small talk and I were going to be standing next to one another in line for some time. What I didn't understand was why that meant they had to look at the things I was buying and then go, "Wow, you must really like fruit."

My first thought:


My second thought:

"Are they judging me and my love for delicious fruit?"

My third thought:

"No, why would they? That's ridiculous."

My fourth thought:


What I actually said because I'm horrifically socially awkward:

*uncomfortable laugh* "Uh. Yeah. Yes. I do." *awkward smile*

Look, person next to me in line at the grocery store. First of all, I don't know you and probably will never see you again. Secondly, the fact that we're in the same line doesn't mean we need to like. Bond over our respective purchases, or that you need to be, like. Sherlock Holmes or whatever and deduce the shit out of me. (I am perhaps on a Sherlock Holmes kick at the moment, don't judge. ...Or do, whatever makes you happy.)

Yes, I am somewhat fond of delicious fruits, but I don't see how that is any of your beeswax, okay? You don't see me peering into your shopping cart and commenting over your purchases, do you? No, I don't think so. (Although I am somewhat worried as to what the hell you intended to do with your random purchases, now that I think about it. I mean, really?)

Mostly though, who are you to be judging me and my love of delicious fruits? How do you even know I am buying ALL of the delicious fruits for myself? Maybe I was buying them for a family member or friend, okay? (I wasn't, but, again, who are you to judge if I was?)

...So, yes. :D?

Posted at http://kitsune-tsuki.dreamwidth.org/369627.html. | You can reply here or there. |

don't judge me!, wtf, rl

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