Because I am a horrible person:

Jul 09, 2011 20:16

This article-thing + Hawaii Five-0 = I seriously don't even know anymore you guys.

1. Wear something red

"Is any of that yours?" Probably shouldn't be the first thing out of Danny's mouth when he first sees Steve, but. Well. It's Steve. It's Steve riding to the rescue, even though Danny's been kidnapped by the most inept kidnappers in the world and is being held in the back room of a deli.

Steve stops short and looks down at himself. Takes in the disturbingly artful red spatters on his shirt. "What? No." Like that makes it better. And then, "It's ketchup," he says, in a pained kind of voice.

Danny cocks his head to the side and considers that for a moment. Steve's tone of voice, and the way he's. Twitchy. Almost as though he hasn't had the chance to get his intimidation on or bust heads the way he's probably been itching to the moment he realized part of his team went missing.

"Yeah," Danny says, and shrugs as well as he's able, given the ropes and all. He can't believe he's actually apologizing to Steve for getting kidnapped by incompetents. "Sorry they're idiots."

Steve sighs. "Next time," he says, because with the kind of lives they lead, there probably will be a next time. "Could you get kidnapped by people who actually know what they're doing?"

Danny stares at Steve. "Yeah. Sure," he says. "I'll make a note of it."

2. Work those pretty peepers

Danny doesn't know what's going on in Steve's head at the moment, and quite frankly, he's glad he doesn't. He's sure the inside of Steve's head is a terrifying place to be on any given day, which explains Steve's crazy-eyes and pretty much Steve in general. Still. Apparently Danny's awful kidnappers have ties to the bad guy of the week. Steve and Danny have been going over old files and reports for any kind of hint of where he might have gone to ground. More to the point, Steve is driving him crazy. Crazier than usual, at any rate.

"What is wrong with you?" Danny asks. At the look Steve gives him, Danny makes a face. "Sorry," he says. "Allow me to re-phrase."

Steve raises an eyebrow.

"Your face," Danny says. "What's wrong with it."

"What?" Steve asks, like he hasn't been acting like Creeper McCreeperson for the past few hours with the whole staring without blinking thing he has going for him.

Danny stares at Steve. Steve who is staring back, maintaining eye contact in ways that are entirely new and creepy.

"Just." Danny waves a hand at the files they have yet to go through. "Never mind." Clearly whatever is going on in Steve's head at the moment is nothing but crazy, and it's probably better for everyone if Danny lets it be.

3. Speak at a natural volume

"Now is maybe not the time," Danny finds himself saying a few days later.

Steve looks back. Not very well, it's true. His gaze keeps skittering to the side, like maybe he's seeing double, and at the moment, that's not too farfetched a possibility.

"Steve." Danny grabs the front of Steve's vest and drags him back down when Steve tries to stand up. Not exactly the best idea when they're trying to lay low and wait for back-up to arrive. "Steve, buddy. Just sit down for a second, okay?" Danny says, shoving Steve up against the side of the shipping container they're using as cover. He's keeping his voice down, but he's pretty sure it doesn't matter with the way Steve seems to be having trouble remembering they're hiding from the bad guy of the week and his assorted thugs.


Danny bites back a sigh and looks at Steve. "Yeah, Steve?"

"I don't feel so good," Steve admits.

Danny shifts to take weight off his bad knee and settles down to wait next to Steve. "Yeah," he says, trying for a smile. "Concussions will do that to you."

Steve frowns. "That sucks."

"Yeah," Danny agrees. "It does."

4. Relax and use humor to break the ice

Danny knows Steve's not-so-secretly a science nerd. It's one of those things that makes him who he is, and goes a long way into explaining Steve's fascination/obsession with blowing the shit out of things. Until now, though, he never realized just how deeply the science nerd in Steve goes.

"A bar of silver walks into the bar and asks for a drink, A bar of gold then walks into the bar, The silver bar then shouts 'Ay, You!' at the gold." Steve grins at Danny like he hasn't just told one of the worst jokes Danny's ever heard, and Danny's heard some fucking awful jokes in his time.

Danny stares at Steve.

"Get it?" Steve asks. "'Ay, you'? AU?"

Danny keeps staring at Steve, wondering if maybe the doctors lied and Steve actually has managed to break his brain this time.

"Okay, how about another one, then?" Steve asks, and launches into a joke about bears and veterinarians and more godawful puns having to do with the periodic table than Danny ever knew existed.

"Oh my God," Danny says, when he realizes that, no, Steve just tells horrible, horrible jokes and they're all about science. "I'm in hell."

5. Keep your body language open

"Okay, this." Danny waves a hand between the two of them, and the way Steve is projecting so hard he might as well be yelling. "This is just ridiculous."

"What?" Steve asks. He looks confused.

Danny sighs and gestures at Steve. "You. This." He stops to think. "The creepy dead-eyed staring thing you were doing the other day. The horrible jokes. Everything."

The fact that the only kind of sense it makes is Steve's messed up kind of sense probably says more about Danny than Steve. For once.

Steve looks at him for a long, long moment. Danny can practically see the little hamster in its wheel, little legs working hard as he picks through what Danny just said. And then, "Which part?"

"...I'm sorry?"

Steve sighs. "Which part was ridiculous?" he asks.

"Did you not hear me?" Danny asks. "Everything." Still, he's the one closing the distance between them, one step at a time. He's the one who stops and looks up at Steve, pokes him hard in the chest. "You're kind of a moron, Steve."

Steve looks down at him. "Am I."

Danny nods. "Yes," he says. "I mean. What. Did you get advice from the internet or something? 'How to woo your man'?"

"Shut up," Steve says, but there's no heat in it. Maybe something dangerously close to embarrassment, but that's only to be expected.

"Yeah, okay," Danny says, and pulls Steve's head down for a kiss.

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don't judge me!, hawaii five-0 fic, hawaii five-0, wtf, fic

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