(no subject)

Jul 04, 2011 11:07

Ahaha, so RL has been more hectic than expected. I'll be getting the rest of the prompt fics out soon-ish! :D?

For leupagus

He's seventeen when he first sees her and it's love at first sight. Trouble brewing, but so, so worth it.


Almost twenty years and he sees her again. Somehow, impossibly it's her, all the way in Hawaii. Older, a little more worn but still as beautiful as the day he first saw her.

Kono's more than a little gone on her, Danny knows. Can tell the moment Kono lays eyes on her, mouth curving up in a delighted smile. Surprised, he thinks, like she didn't think he had it in him.

Chin's eyebrows go up in surprise, lips quirking. If he were anyone else, there probably would have been a low whistle of appreciation to go along with his, “Nice.”

"Oh my God, what," Steve says, like a scandalized maiden aunt, and that's just the beginning.


"Is this." Steve stops. Regroups. "Is this some kind of mid-life crisis?"

Danny stares at him for a long, long moment, aware of Chin hustling Kono away despite her protestations. He'd like to think Chin's removing potential witnesses from the scene, but really, Danny knows better. Knows there's going to be a betting pool before the day's over at the very least.

"Yes, Steve," Danny says finally. "That's exactly what this is. Good catch." Danny smiles pleasantly and proceeds to ignore Steve for the rest of the day.


There are reports on Danny's desk. Reports and files and other things of that nature that have nothing at all to do with criminal goings on and everything to do with Danny's new relationship, and yes, it is a relationship.

Not some cheap fling. Not some mid-life crisis. Grace likes her, is maybe starting to love her, and that's important. Vital, even.

"Jesus," Danny mutters with a strange sort of fondness as he reads the reports against his better judgment. They come from a place within Steve where all of his deep-rooted issues dwell along with things like concern and worry and blatant idiocy.

The least he can do is narrow things down for whoever lands the position of Steve's official therapist because God knows whoever that damned soul is, they're going to have their hands full.


Steve. Steve is trying trying to act like he's not a seething mass of jealousy and issues and crazy-eyed mania, but. Well. It's Steve.


Danny would like to say he's not expecting it when he gets the call, but that would be the worst kind of lie.

"Christ. What has he done now?"

Chin's making a decent effort not to laugh as he lays everything out for Danny. Steve being a big boy and doing his best to get shit-faced and failing. Steve getting into the middle of a bar fight. Steve refusing medical attention. Steve being his usual stupid self.

Danny sighs. "Where?"


Fifteen minutes later he's pulling up to the curb in a part of town the television cameras never make it to and the tourists never see if they're lucky.

Steve's sitting on the curb, staring out at nothing. He looks over when Danny pulls up, face closing down when he sees Danny. Sees her.

"Hey," Danny calls. "What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?"

Steve gives him one of his glares, but it's not they've ever had an effect on Danny.

"I'm fine," Steve says, waving Danny off.

"I see that," Danny says, taking in the gauze pad Steve has pressed a cut on his face, faint signs of bruising on his jaw.

Steve tries another glare, and then walks away.

Danny sighs, looking skyward for help, patience, answers to the question of why, God, why, possibly all three.

"Seriously princess," he says just moments later, feeling more than a little bit like Morgan Freeman in Driving Miss Daisy as he shadows Steve. "Get in."

Steve looks over, sniffs like a prim and proper lady, and after a long, long moment finally deigns to get into the damn car.


Back at Steve's place and Danny finally has the talk with Steve he probably should have from the beginning.

"Okay, look." Danny trails off, not sure how to proceed. "I'm going to tell you what I told Grace, way back when, okay?" Danny can't believe things have gotten to this point, but. Well. Steve.

Steve looks at Danny.

Danny sighs. His life.

"Just because things are changing it doesn't mean I love you any less, okay?" Seriously. His life. "I know we haven't been spending as much time together as we used to, but." Danny spreads his hands helplessly. "That's because you're an asshole."

"You should really think about writing a parenting book sometime," Steve says. He's getting better at the sarcasm thing, which. Danny didn't really think it was possible.

Okay, so. Maybe that isn't exactly what he said to Grace, way back when.

"I don't know what your problem is with her," Danny says, honestly confused. Out of everyone, Danny thought Steve would understand. It's not practical, this, not something that makes any kind of logical sense, but things like this never do. "But it ends now."

Danny grabs Steve's arm and drags him outside where she's waiting.

"Danny - "

"No." Danny's been patient, he has. He's let Steve have his space and look where it got them. Steve in a bar fight because Steve is just that kind of stupid.

"You." Danny points at Steve. "You are a moron."

Steve glares.

"She." Danny points at her. "She is a car."

A fucking beautiful car, it's true, but still. A car.

Steve sneers. "The Camaro corners better."




Steve looks at Danny. At her. And just like that, snaps. Reels off everything that was in the reports and files and whatever else Steve could get his hands on about Karmann Ghias, and finishes with, "It's a deathtrap on wheels!" Like that's supposed to make sense. As though any vehicle ever isn't just that with Steve in the driver's seat.

Danny stares at him, realizing not for the first time that really, no. Steve is that crazy, and also, whatever therapist lands Steve as a patient is so, so screwed.

"You're a moron." Danny says, not for lack of anything better to say so much as it's something that bears repeating.

Steve's not looking at him. Is looking away, face flushed and jaw set.

"Seriously," Danny says. "Moron. You."

Steve turns his head to look at him.

Danny sighs, but this time it's a little fond. "You know I still love you best, right?" he asks, moving closer to Steve.

Steve watches him.

"I mean," Danny shrugs. "God knows why, but I do." Another one of those things that make zero sense, but things like that never do.

Barest hint of amusement in Steve's eyes. "Nice," he says.

Danny shrugs. "The truth hurts."

Steve rolls his eyes. Smiles a little.

Danny moves closer. Snags the hem of Steve's shirt and reels him in, bit by bit. "I ever tell you why I bought her?"

Steve's eyes dart to her and back, and smirks.

"Fuck, you. No," Danny says, scowling. "Not a mid-life crisis."

Steve grins, smug.

Danny sighs, drops his head on Steve's chest and wonders aloud why he even bothers. "High school." Danny jabs a finger into Steve's side to shut him up before anything stupid comes out of his mouth. Well. Anything else. Danny's trying to paint a picture here. "Some of the best goddamn years of my life."

He lets that sink in for a minute.

"Wait - "

"Still not a mid-life crisis, asshole," Danny says. Fucking seriously.

"But - "

"Oh, for." Danny jerks his head up and glares at Steve. Stupid, stupid Steve. "I'm going for a drive," he says, and holds up his keys. "There may or may not be scenic overlooks involved, depending. There may or may not be parking involved, depending."

Steve looks down at him. "On what?"

Danny looks at Steve.


Danny rolls his eyes. "Yeah," he says, more than a little fond. "You feel like going for a drive?"

Steve looks at Danny. Steve looks at her. Smiles.


He's thirty-something when he first sees him and it's not quite love at first sight. (Jesus, no.) There's a familiar sense of trouble brewing, though, something that tells him it'll be so, so worth it. (Maybe. Probably.)

The prompt! (I fail at writing the sexytimes, but um :D?)


Danny's been in court all day, so he only hears bits and pieces of what went down while he was dealing with lawyers and judges and other parts of the legal system he'd rather not deal with if he can help it. Kono and Chin have sent him texts and pictures and even a small video clip, but none of that prepares him for what he finds when he heads home..

He feels an an actual, physical pain when he walks into the living room and sees Steve and the latest trouble he's brought on himself. It's a little like what he's feeling is too big to fit inside in his chest, or maybe as though a lifetime of bad eating habits has finally caught up with him. Whichever.

“I heard,” Danny says, a huge smile taking up residence on his face. “I mean. With Kono and Chin there, there's no way I wouldn't, but I still can't believe what I'm seeing.”

“Your face!” Steve says, ever the mature one.

Danny snorts, dropping his suit jacket on the back of a chair as he walks over to where Steve is trying and failing to keep from being covered in kittens. There are five, maybe six of them - it's hard to tell with the damn things walking and climbing all over Steve the way they are. Falling off, tiny little claws unable to find suitable purchase in the fabric of Steve's shirt.

“I think my ovaries exploded,” Danny says, sliding down next to Steve. He reaches over and rescues a kitten that seems to think Steve's shoulder is an awesome perch, and completely unaware it's mere moments from falling on its fluff-filled head.

Steve scoops up another kitten that's batting at the flap of one of Steve's pockets and scratches its chin. “Hmmm.” Steve slants a look at him, corner of his mouth twitching. “You might want to see your doctor about that.”

Danny sets the kitten in his hands loose on Steve, laughing as it zeroes in on the laces of Steve's boots, clearly intent on killing the shit out of them. Steve scowls at him, but doesn't offer a protest when Danny leans against him. Danny smiles and watches the pile of kittens clambering over their legs, fuzzy and wobbly and feels the stress of the day slowly leech away.

Posted at http://kitsune-tsuki.dreamwidth.org/367815.html. | You can reply here or there. |

fic meme, don't judge me!, hawaii five-0 fic, hawaii five-0, wtf, fic

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