(no subject)

Jun 11, 2011 02:27

Um. Kind of a companion piece to A Light Like Dawn (here on LJ, DW, and IJ) along the lines of those "Five times" fics, this was meant to be something like five pictures Steve took. :D?

The ride back to Danny's house is nerve wracking in the way being on a ship under attack from enemy forces tends to be. Grace is an unknown, a force he can't hope to anticipate or predict. Steve imagines she's a tiny version of Danny merged with this specter his mind has forged of what Rachel - someone Danny loved (loves) - enough to marry, to have a child with, to be so wrapped up in, with, even now. He can't bring himself to believe that she'd be anything but utterly frightening. He can only imagine what Grace will be like.

Danny keeps looking at him, worried, exasperated. Amused, because Steve is freaking the hell out about meeting an eight-year-old girl, someone who is probably interested in horses, or furry animals or dolls. (Steve's going on past experience, but it still feels like he's flying blind. While Mary Ann had been an eight-year-old girl at one point, she'd hardly been a typical eight year-old-girl.) By the time they get back to Danny's place the barbecue's well under way. It seems like at least a third of Bell Cove is there too. Danny turns his head and smiles at Steve, and true, it's full of mockery and a general sense of amusement at Steve's expense, but there's also a certain degree of affection, warmth.

"Come on," Danny says.

Steve tries to remind himself that he's both an adult, one who served in the Navy. He can do this.

And then he meets Grace. She's every bit as terrifying as he expected. Tiny and beautiful and absolutely amazing. He can see so much of Danny in her. A certain turn of phrase or the way she cocks her head when she's not sure what to make of him. The way she smiles. He's probably seeing some of Rachel too, he realizes, whenever Danny's expression goes a little sad, regretful.

Steve watches Danny with her, something in his chest tight with emotion when he sees so very clearly how much Danny loves his little girl, his Grace, and wishes he'd thought to bring his camera with him. And then Catherine sidles up to him, cheeks flushed a soft red from the cool breeze coming off the water or alcohol - maybe both - and hands him a camera along with a knowing smile. Flustered, Steve turns his attention to the camera he's holding. Nothing like his gear, it's just a simple digital point-and-shoot, but it's good enough for this. Better than nothing.

Danny rolls his eyes when Steve holds the camera up, but he's smiling as he does. Steve notices he doesn't actually complain. As Steve takes the pictures he remembers why he does it, why he loves being able to catch moments like these. Grace's smile and uncomplicated joy and happiness. Danny's love and affection for her. Little moments in time, easily lost or forgotten if mishandled, and although no camera made will ever do it justice, it's something.


The town newspaper decides it's going to do a piece on local businesses and hardworking people of the community. For some reason they come to him. Wary of stepping on the toes of their usual photographer all he gets is an amused laugh and, "Joe? Old Joe won't mind," and a Tupperware container full of stew or meatloaf or some other kind of hearty foodstuff people keep giving him.

"I'm going to get fat if this keeps up," he tells Danny. Danny just rolls his eyes and stuffs the Tupperware container in the fridge where it joins the others of its kind. Most of them will find their way to Danny's crew (Toast, most likely) before the week's out.

"Yeah, McGarrett," Danny says, eying him critically. "I can see how you'd be worried about ruining your girlish figure."

Steve glares, because, hey, and also, fuck you, but then Danny's smirking at him. Laughing, really, and Steve just can't let that go without doing something about it.

Danny laughs when Steve crowds him up against the wall, and then he has to stop. Has an honest to God moment where he has to feel the softness of shirt. Before Bell Cove, before Danny, he didn't have strong feelings regarding flannel shirts one way or another, but now? He's starting to see the appeal, especially when Danny's involved.

Danny smiles at him, warm and fond and his, like he knows what Steve's thinking. How disgustingly sappy he's being, and it's not like that moment, the one where Steve realizes he's developed an affinity for flannel is over, but there are certainly more pressing matters at hand to consider.


After the barbecue, Steve takes to carrying at least one camera with him everywhere he goes. He never knows when something will catch his eye, and he can't always cart around his usual gear. Usually the pictures he takes are for work, either an assignment for Catherine or something he knows will lead into a larger project even if he's not fully sure how. More and more, however, the kinds of pictures he takes aren't for work or an independent project.

Danny's not camera shy, so much as he's self-conscious. It's not easy to get shots where he's not aware of the camera on some level, which makes the rare occasion he can get a picture like that something to be cherished, kept safe. Priceless.


Some pictures, Steve takes for work. Some pictures, Steve takes as a favor for others. Some pictures, though, Steve takes for himself.

Kitten fic! ( LJ, DW, IJ)

Posted at http://kitsune-tsuki.dreamwidth.org/363016.html. | You can reply here or there. |

don't judge me!, hawaii five-0 fic, lobsters, picspam, hawaii five-0, fic, wtf, picfic

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