(no subject)

May 27, 2011 01:55

Babysitting tiny children can sometimes be awesome. Especially when you get to warp young minds introduce said tiny children to the joys of such movies as The Great Mouse Detective, a fantastic underrated Disney animated classic.

And then there were thoughts. Thoughts related to Sherlock in the way that there really needs to be a modern day version of The Great Mouse Detective. Would Basil and Dr. Dawson somehow cross paths with the Rescue Rangers while investigating a case? Perhaps Ratigan and Fat Cat join forces, which means the hero-types have to work together to defeat their nefarious scheme(s)! Maybe Dr. Dawson and Moneterey Jack met one another a while back and keep in touch! There are shenanigans and adventures galore and other such things!

...I should probably be going to sleep at some point, I guess. /o\

Posted at http://kitsune-tsuki.dreamwidth.org/360850.html. | You can reply here or there. |

don't judge me!, movies, cartoons, my childhood!, sherlock, crossover, wtf, famry

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