(no subject)

Apr 02, 2011 19:43

A friend was sharing ~exciting Tales of Adventure from her time working at a coffee shop, and there was one with a customer who came in wearing a wetsuit and I was like, "Oh, God, that sounds like Steve, WHY BRAIN, WHY?" So, you know. Ficlet? *hands*

Danny waits by the car while Steve goes into the coffee shop and orders for the team, wondering how, if at all, Steve is going to do manage this one simple thing without causing an incident of some kind. Sure, the inhabitants of Hawaii are pretty easy-going in general, but this is not Hawaii. This is the mainland where guys in wetsuits, even guys wearing a long coat over said wetsuit are hardly the norm.

Glancing behind him as Kono's snoring changes rhythm he sees Chin in the backseat shifting around into a comfortable position with Kono's head on his shoulder. It's been a long day for all of them, more so for Steve and Kono who'd joined the dive seems hoping to recover something, anything, from the crash their perps were involved in earlier. Weapons used in the latest string of robberies, or some kind of clue where to look next. Anything.

The quiet jingle of the bells over the coffee shop doors draws Danny's attention to where Steve is shouldering his way out of the shop juggling a cardboard tray of coffee and a couple of bags. "Hey," Steve says, voice loud enough to carry but not wake Kono. "Give me a hand with this?"

There's a hint of a smile on his face, almost a smirk, and Danny knows, knows Steve probably did something to freak out the poor girl in the coffee shop on purpose. "I can't take you anywhere, can I?" Danny asks, taking the bags from him. They're full to bursting, and a quick look tells him Steve probably got one of everything the coffee shop had, which. Yeah, okay. They've been running on nothing but determination and grit for days now and he's at the point where everything looks good to him. He can only imagine what it must be like for Steve, who's been driving himself twice as hard to nail these bastards.

Steve sets the coffee on the roof of their rental and looks over his shoulder at Danny, outright grinning. "I don't know what you're talking about, Danno," he says, like he's not the kind of asshole who lives to make Danny's life as difficult as possible.

"Yeah, sure," Danny mutters, walking around to the passenger side of the car. "Like I believe that."

Steve laughs, bending down to hand the coffee over to Danny while he gets in. Danny hugs the tray close to him, breathing in the heavenly aroma of fresh coffee before he hands Chin's order off to him and pulls the seat belt across his chest. Chin's murmured thanks is almost lost to the sound of Steve shutting his door.

"We'll get them,"Danny says, staring through the windshield, exhaustion threatening to drag him under.

"Yeah," Steve says, enough conviction in his voice for all of them. The absolute certainty in his voice doing more to warm Danny than the coffee in his hand. "We will."

Posted at http://kitsune-tsuki.dreamwidth.org/351564.html. | You can reply here or there. |

don't judge me!, hawaii five-0 fic, hawaii five-0, rl, fic

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