(no subject)

Feb 15, 2011 20:16

Randomly I ended up at Justin Long's Wikipedia entry and saw this. I need to know more because, hey, precious childhood memories, but the internets will not yield its secrets! (To be fair, all I did was a quick search on Google and another at IMDb.)

In other news, I am convinced in some world Danny finds this scraggly cat and ends up taking it in because it's clearly not too bright (he maybe finds it trying to fight a dog a billion times bigger than it or some such) and kind of doofy and uses logic that is clearly not feline in origin and in his head, okay, his head, calls it Steve.

Also/or, the same, but it's Steve who finds this feisty little cat who meows and meows and meows all the time and he finds himself thinking of it being like. A tiny, fuzzy, four-legged version of Danny and it is totally bitching at him all the time and it's kind of awesome.

...Look. It's been a long, long day and I need the sleep. *hands*

Posted at http://kitsune-tsuki.dreamwidth.org/341110.html. | You can reply here or there. |

don't judge me!, movies, wtf?, hawaii five-0, my childhood!, plotty things, book!love

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