(no subject)

Apr 16, 2006 20:24

I'm not the only one who turns the television on and gets caught up watching Antiques Road Show because I can't find the remote and it takes too much energy go manual, am I? Because they had cool stuff on tonight, and oh, god, the shame.

But look! Someday we too shall have nifty body armor like the mighty abalone! (Hopefully, though, we shall not be eaten, because that would be of the bad.)

Abalone Armor: Toughest Stuff Theoretically Possible

And, oh my god, Cyborg Armies of DOOM:

Military Plans Cyborg Sharks

Cybugs: Military Mulls Army of Cyborg Insects

I'm really trying not to think too hard about the fact that the military is taking inspiration from science fiction thing, or you know, the whole messing with nature, thusly ensuring the destruction of all mankind thing. Or you know, a real-life version of Deep Blue Sea.

P. S. Why is Harriman (a.k.a. Chevron Guy) from SG-1 doing audio commentary on the SGA DVDs? Why is Siler doing audio commentary on the SGA DVDs?

Posted at http://kitsune-tsuki.dreamwidth.org/135967.html. | You can reply here or there. |

wtf?, end of days, science!

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