Asimov's First Law: Japan Sets Rules for Robots

May 26, 2006 21:27

This? Is so something I needed to see today, because it just amuses the hell out of me for no real reason. (Except for the ones where the robots rise up against their cruel human taskmasters in the future and we all DIE.)

Japan Sets Rules for Robots

How much do I love that scientists are tackling the truly important problems facing us these days? This much: Scientists ponder invisibility cloak

Then there's this one, which is not only romantic, but tragic as their love can never be: Lovesick swan falls in love with swan paddle boat

And yes, I admit it, sometimes I check Yahoo! News just for the amusing headlines, because really? So unintentionally funny sometimes that it's wrong. Not to mention the actual articles themselves, as it would just be mean to laugh at someone getting paid to write some of them. Really.

Also, I added 500+ words to the YnM fic of CUTE last night, and may well do so again tonight. Things are...progressing on that front, and I have high hopes of one day finishing it. One day. :|

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end of days, science!, ynm, fic update

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