(no subject)

Feb 08, 2011 10:43

I have made questionable entertainment choices in the past, and no doubt will continue to do so long into the future. I'm okay with that.

Mostly because they make me think of these kinds of scenarios.

You know how there is talk of Science Guy!Steve because Steve cannot always contain his inner science nerd?

What if, say, like. Science Guy!Steve was a witness to some form of wrongdoing and/or had uncovered an instance of wrongdoing and as he is a Good Guy tells the authorities all about it! Possibly this is inspired by my horrendous love for 80s movies and television shows and also skimming episode discussion things for last night's episode. (Download faster, damn you!)

But oh, no! The Bad Guys do not like this at all, and so Science Guy!Steve's life is in danger! :O

Clearly, there is only one person team who can protect him until the case goes to trial or some other 80s movies plot contrivance that necessitates Detective Williams and his team trying to keep him alive.

Detective Williams is like, "Why do we have to babysit?" because look, he loves his job, and it's not like he doesn't get that what this science guy is doing is really kind of awesome, but his team usually doesn't do this kind of thing.

Also, while he has nothing against science people in general, he somehow has always met the ones who think he is a moron because he did not go to science school. (Or something, IDK.) So having to protect this science dude is not high on his list of most awesome way to spend a week ever, but it's his job so he will do it.

Chin and Kono are just, "This will be a nice change of pace. Think of it like vacation!" (...Because having people coming to them and trying to kill them is so much better than going out to find people trying to kill them or something? Detective Williams has given up on trying to understand his team. Also, they are maybe still in trouble for that thing the other day with the exploding and burning and so much, Detective Williams cannot even begin to articulate it, so much, property damage.)

And then there are Bad Guys trying to kill them lots, and to Detective Williams' surprise Science Guy!Steve is kind of not horrible? (Although he worries at the way Kono pays really close attention when Science Guy!Steve is making the explosive devices and other fun surprises for the Bad Guys.) And contributes to their continued state of being alive and not riddled with bullets by building these fantastically awesome booby traps (lol, because I'm twelve) and then there is kissing.

Possibly shirtless.

...And then, later, Science Guy!Steve is forever giving Detective Williams headaches and whatnot because he delights in teaching Grace how to make explosives and other fun and exciting things out of household items. Detective Williams just knows his little girl is going to grow up to be a mad scientist who takes over the world (Kono will help, he so knows she will) using the power of ~Science. Still, watching Science Guy!Steve laugh like a demented hyena when their latest science-thing burst into flames (...probably in the way is was meant to?) and Grace is grinning wide and happy under her huge chemistry goggles he cannot actually see that as being a bad thing.

Posted at http://kitsune-tsuki.dreamwidth.org/338317.html. | You can reply here or there. |

don't judge me!, wtf?, hawaii five-0, plotty things, spoilers

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