[Hawaii Five-0] More Than Meets the Eye

Jan 06, 2011 19:24

Title: More Than Meets the Eye
Rating: PG
Pairing: Pre-slash, Steve/Danny
Word Count: 1,494
Disclaimer: In no way, shape, or form do these characters belong to me.
Summary: When Danny finds out his car - the one he's been driving for months now - is actually a giant robot he takes it surprisingly well, all things considered.
Notes: Is it wrong to blame small children for giving me the idea for this? If so, then I blame the internets because it certainly didn't help. >:(

When Danny finds out his car - the one he's been driving for months now - is actually a giant robot he takes it surprisingly well, all things considered. It's not as though his life hasn't been ridiculous enough by that point with all the shit Steve, Chin and Kono drag him into on a routine basis.

"Of course," he mutters, watching his car that's actually a giant robot doing battle with another car that is also a giant robot, although apparently not a friendly one. "Of course it's a giant robot."

Steve's next to him watching the epic battle between the giant robots that's threatening to take out the entire area with the way they're throwing each other around and firing off blasts from their weapons. One warehouse is already in ruins, walls crumbling and roof smashed in.

"We probably shouldn't be hanging around like this," Danny points out, when his giant robot tosses the other giant robot through the wall of another warehouse. "What with us being significantly smaller and therefore more likely to be crushed and whatnot."

Steve's not listening, busy tracking the fight and knowing him, mentally critiquing the technique Danny's giant robot is using to beat the shit out of the other giant robot to share with it after the fight, assuming Danny's giant robot wins the fight and they're not left facing down a pissed off, unfriendly giant robot.

"Come on, McGarrett," Danny says, grabbing Steve's arm to drag him to a safer hiding spot. "I doubt even you with your awesome Army training will be able to do much against a giant alien robot without heavy artillery."

Maybe it's seeing what a blast from one of the giant robot's weapons can do, or Danny's hand on his arm, but suddenly Steve's back in the present with him and the potential for horrible death.

"Hey," he says, letting Danny pull him along, "fuck you, I'm a SEAL."


So it turns out that Danny's car? Not just a giant robot, no. It's a giant alien robot, and also? Danny's car goes by the name of Bumblebee and is part of a faction of giant alien robots who call themselves Autobots who are at war with another faction of giant alien robots who call themselves Decepticons and it's all very interesting, he's sure.

What he's actually interested in is part where Bumblebee has been sent on a secret mission by his leader to find a a valuable and dangerous piece of alien technology thought to be hidden somewhere in the Hawaiian islands. Well, that and the fact that Bumblebee has been tracking down a very rich, highly respected, Hawaiian businessman who has somehow managed to get himself tangled up in the whole mess because the guy is a moron.

"Okay, so first of all," Danny says, scowling up at the giant alien robot who has been masquerading as his car for months, no, Bumblebee. "First of all, what kind of idiot wouldn't suspect a group of giant alien robots who call themselves Decepticons might not be on the up and up? I mean, really. It's right there. Decepticons."

Bumblebee shrugs, a strangely human gesture that doesn't look as bizarre coming from a giant alien robot as it probably should.

Right, right. People are stupid. As if Danny could ever forget that vital bit of information when he has Steve for a partner.

"Don't even," he says, not even needing to look to know Steve's inching his way towards the nasty bit of alien technology sitting behind them on the hangar floor they're using for a meeting place. "Just. For the love of God, don't."

"Danny - "

"Seriously," Danny says, turning to glare at Steve. "Do you not get simple instructions? It's a big gun, I know that you have a thing for things like that, I do, but considering it's the size of a large dog or small pony, you might want to consider leaving it the hell alone." There's also the fact that it belonged to the Decepticon Bumblebee was fighting earlier, and Danny saw what it could do then in the hands of someone who knew what they were doing. He doesn't need to know what it can do with someone like Steve in control.

Steve rolls his eyes, but stops trying to put the moves on the giant alien weapon and walks over to stand next to him. "What's our next move?" he asks, like it's a foregone conclusion they're going to help Bumblebee in his mission.

Bumblebee tilts his head to the side, looking between the two of them before making an inquisitive sounding noise.

Danny sighs, shooting Steve an annoyed look. "Yeah, okay, I'll bite. What next?"


"This is fantastic," Danny says, ducking as another chunk of flying rock comes their way. "Really, no. Fantastic. Who knew Hawaii would be so fraught with danger and excitement and giant fucking alien robots trying to kill us?"

"Shut up and keep moving," Steve hisses, grabbing Danny's arm to pull him up when his foot slips. "We're almost there."

"You shut up," Danny shoots back. He's not having the best of days at the moment, and seeing as Danny had never expected his first visit to the Big Island would involve a life and death struggle to reach alien technology buried at the base of a volcano, he's pretty sure that means he doesn't have to be Little Mary Sunshine about the whole thing.

And maybe splitting the team up and having Kono and Chin take another route in was a good idea? At the moment Danny would feel a hell of a lot better with the two of them at their backs. He's not entirely sure he's going to be able to keep Steve from doing something stupidly heroic on his own.

Like he knows what Danny's thinking, Steve stop and looks over his shoulder at him. He's sweaty and covered in dirt and blood and there are giant alien robots actively trying to kill them, so of course he's having the time of his life. "Hey, we're not going to die, okay?"

Danny stares at him because really? Now is not the time, and Steve should know better than to say shit like that because you just never know, okay? You don't.

“Danny,” Steve gives his shoulder a shake like he wants to make sure Danny gets what he's not actually saying, what he's trying to tell him, and there's something about the way Steve's looking at him, or maybe it's another shot of adrenaline, but it helps.

“Okay, okay,” he mutters, running a hand over his face. "Let's just get this done."

Steve grins at him, the crazy bastard, and takes off into the trees, no doubt in his mind that Danny's going to be right behind him the whole way.


Afterward, when the Decepticons are so much scrap metal and Lennox and his team are running damage control with Steve along to show them how the SEALs do things or whatever, Danny has a little chat of sorts with Bumblebee. Bumblebee is apparently delighted to get rid of his so-called undercover disguise and is now a shade of yellow that Danny is willing to admit no police department would paint their vehicles and expect to maintain a low profile.

"The music thing," he says, making a vague gesture meant to encompass all the times Bumblebee has assaulted his ears with songs like "Sexy Eyes" and "Take My Breath Away" every damn time he turned the radio on with Steve along for the ride. "Was that you trying to be subtle? Because let me tell you, you might want to work on that."

Bumblebee manages a credible enough attempt at wounded innocence that Danny lets it slide. While it's disturbing on more than one level to know Bumblebee was invested enough in Danny's well-being to make a go at playing match-maker? It's a little touching. Weird? But touching.

"Also? And don't take this the wrong way?" Danny says, squinting up at Bumblebee. "But I hope we never see each other again."


"So," Steve's sitting on the hood of Danny's new car, smirking at him as he approaches. "Are you sure this is actually a car and not a giant alien robot?"

Danny rolls his eyes and gestures for Steve to get his ass off his car and get moving, they have a case to investigate. "Like you have room to talk, McGarrett," Danny accuses, trying to cover for the fact that maybe, yes, he'd asked the damn car if it was a giant alien robot when he'd been handed the keys.

It's not like Steve has the high ground when he's been eying his truck, Chin's bike, Kono's car, and every conceivable mode of transportation they come across as if they might suddenly turn out to be giant alien robots in disguise.

Steve just laughs, and seriously, how is this his life?

Additional notes: In the pilot Doran has what looks like a 1970s Camaro parked next to his house. (Bumblebee as he first appears in the movie.) In the pilot, Danny drives a Mustang. (Barricade is a Mustang, albeit a customized model.) In the following episodes, Danny (and Steve) are seen driving a Camaro. (Bumblebee after his makeover.)

Posted at http://kitsune-tsuki.dreamwidth.org/330931.html. | You can reply here or there. |

transformers fic, don't judge me!, wtf?, hawaii five-0 fic, transformers, crossover, hawaii five-0, fic

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