(no subject)

Jan 01, 2011 23:53

I've mentioned that I have this weakness for bad science fiction, and often make what might be considered "unwise" decisions in reading material based on book covers and whatnot? (Basically, if there is at least one spaceship and possibly laser blasters on the cover, I will give it a try because I am easy like that.) Okay then, because I have just found a movie that I thought I'd never see again, and am all, "Oh, younger me, how were you so nerdtastic?" and realized, wait, no. I still kind of love this movie. *hands*

Max Knight: Ultra Spy (He's not just a spy - he's an ultra spy, which obviously makes him way better than your garden variety spy, I guess?)

It's like. The Sci-Fi Channel* makes the horribletastic monster/mutant creature/science fiction-y television show/movies I never knew I wanted? But UPN, okay. UPN made the horribletastic cop/spy/science fiction-y television shows/movies of my heart.

...And now I am all nostalgic for Seven Days, which I haven't thought about in years.

*I refuse to call it whatever they're calling it right now because it hurts my very soul.

Posted at http://kitsune-tsuki.dreamwidth.org/329283.html. | You can reply here or there. |

don't judge me!, movies, teevee

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