(no subject)

Sep 26, 2010 20:27

Hello, Internets!

I did the smart thing and decided to use up my paid vacation time from work before I lost it due to company policy. It's been a long time since I've had the chance to rest and relax on my terms, which has been utterly fantastic.

I've managed to get through the entire first and second seasons of Leverage (I know, I know, there aren't that many episodes? But I adore the DVD commentaries, and developed this compulsive thing where I I had to go back and listen to the commentary after every episode. *hands*) I'm in the middle of watching season three right now - I watched 'The Boost Job' last night - and am still madly in love with this series.

...possibly to an unhealthy degree, as evidenced by the the gummi frogs I bought and the badawfulwrong fic ideas my brain has spawned that I can in no possible way write myself but desperately want to read.

For an example:

The team is on a job and Eliot gets knocked out and when one of the others finds him he has movie!amnesia! (You know the one where everything will be fine in the end and there will be no long lasting effects, unlike the real world where is an awful, terrible thing and really, I'm going to stop thinking about it now.) Only! They're still in the middle of a job and there are goons after them, and poor Eliot who doesn't know what the hell is going on or who this crazy blonde woman is, but then there are goons and he can tell she's no match for them and she hasn't acted like an enemy, but the goons look just as happy to beat him up too, so he takes them down! And then Parker grabs him and they run away and Eliot still doesn't know what's going on, but since Parker's busy getting them out of there, she didn't really have time to notice he doesn't seem to recognize her and then they end up back at Leverage HQ.

Eliot doesn't remember being part of the team, but he does know the others by reputation, if nothing else, so he's staying quiet and trying to piece things together while they bicker and fret and whatever else, and then Nate show up! Eliot remembers Nate! Eliot kind of wants to punch Nate a little! Just around the face! (I am kind of in love with John Rogers saying Nate and Eliot have worked together/had run-ins in the past before the team was formed. I like to think they maybe punched each other a little. Just around the face.)

Nate realizes something is not right with Eliot and then is all "...seriously? Movie!amnesia? Seriously?" And Eliot is all grumpy and cranky and there are shenanigans and whatnot. But they're not done with the job and try to make Eliot sit it out - he has movie!amnesia and possibly a concussion and also, Nate's not so sure Eliot - might not bail on the team if things go south if he doesn't remember the team and there is all this ~uncertainty and ~feelings from the others because this isn't their Eliot and they want their Eliot back and Eliot just really wants to bust some heads because it's really fucking frustrating not knowing what's going on and is not a happy man, okay? He's not. >:( (Also? Parker keeps poking him.)

...and then shenanigans and Eliot rushing in to bust heads to save the team and then...more shenanigans and I don't know what else, but Eliot gets his memories back and there is a happy ending. :D?

Also featuring:

Okay, so this is the most implausible idea for a fic I may have ever come up with, in the history of ever? But I would absolutely love fic in which Eliot is actually some kind of law enforcement dude who is undercover!

Why: I don't know! Maybe he is after someone in specific, or he is just out to catch all the criminals in the entire world, I'm not picky!

Who does he work for: Again, I don't know! FBI is my normal go-to law enforcement agency for scenarios like this, but I don't know how the jurisdictional rights work in relation to international cases, so possibly Interpol! Maybe! :D

WTF?: I don't know! I just really want Eliot to be all undercover law enforcement dude, okay? My needs are simple.

Eliot's cover is so good everyone thinks he's really a retrieval specialist! They think he's tearing apart little criminal organizations and whatnot because they tried to double-cross him or stiff him on his fees when really he is arresting them and sending them to prison! Even Nate thinks he's a hitter! (I don't know how no one ever realizes these guys aren't dead - maybe they get sent to a special prison on an isolated island somewhere, I don't know, that's not the important part!)

And then he gets hired by Dubenich and ends up working with the team, and oh, god, things get all complicated because he likes them, and they're criminals! He's supposed to arrest them!

*cue angst!*

And now that they're on a team together Nate starts to realize there's something...off...about Eliot, and he keeps picking at whatever it is, trying to figure out what about Eliot is bothering him.

Eliot is all ~conflicted because he should be helping to arrest the team, but they're taking down really bad people, and not actually hurting anyone and then! And then his cover gets blown somehow and the team is all hurt and shocked and scatter and Eliot is left with a whole lot of nothing because he's a fucking idiot who let himself get too close to a bunch of thieves, and he has all this guilt and ~feelings and that just really sucks. >:(

Eliot gets dragged back to his law enforcement HQ to do paperwork and other boring things, and, oh, get yelled at for not doing his job and bringing down Nate Ford's crew, and goddamn, Eliot hates his life. >:(

And then! Months and months later he gets assigned to an undercover case - it's a test, to see if his superiors can trust him and he knows that and it sucks - and things go to hell and his cover is blown and just when the bad guys are about to kill him the team saves him!

(...I don't even know, okay? They may have been going after the same guy already, or maybe they were trying to track Eliot down so they could all sadface at him and whatnot because they miss him, even if he is a lying bastard.)

Then there are shenanigans and possibly Eliot finds a way for the team to operate in a vaguely lawful sort of manner? OR he just says the hell with it and goes off to start his life as a real criminal and everyone is happy and things are sparkly and Eliot gets to punch things.



leverage, don't judge me!, wtf?, teevee, camera phone shenanigans!, work, plotty things

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