(no subject)

Jul 18, 2010 21:01

...I am most probably a bad, bad horrible person.

I'm going to attend a viewing of Alien vs Predator and Aliens vs Predator: Reqiuem soon-ish. (Somehow, even though I was delighted by the idea for these movies way back when they first came out I've never neen them?) While doing laundry earlier I had a random brain-thought regarding a possible AU of the Alien franchise, starring fantastically faily bands and other assorted personages.

I was picturing Gerard as Ripley in that scene in Aliens, with Mikey as Newt? Only then, I was realized as awesome as it would be, Mikey-as-Newt didn't seem quite...hmmm...right. So then, naturally, and this is where I am a bad, bad horrible person, my brain suggested Justin Bieber as Newt, because I am like, twelve, and find it hilarious lesbians are often mistaken as The Bieber. Also, this.

Gerard-as-Ripley (Gerard-ley?) yelling, "Get away from her, you bitch!" with The Bieber-as-Newt (Newt-ber?) in danger was what got me started on this particular road to hell.

Little Newt-ber.

Newt-ber in danger! :o

Frank would be Hicks in this AU, only, you know, there would be no Alien 3 or Alien Resurrection and so less of the death for him and Newt-ber. I like to think he and Gerard-ley would settle down somewhere to raise little Newt-ber and live happily ever after. Aside from the occasional nightmares and whatnot.


don't judge me!, movies, wtf?, bad photoshop, bandom, plotty things, the bieber, graphics, picspam, mcr

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