(no subject)

Jul 15, 2010 19:07

So, like. Speaking of old television shows I kind of love a lot? I've been re-watching Danny Phantom and was reminded of a bandom AU I was thinking about regarding a certain character from the episodes featuring Freakshow and. Um. Look, I know, okay? I know. /o\

There's a punk ghost with tattoos and her ~ghostly ability is that her tattoos 'come to life'...er...in that she can use them offensively, sending them after her enemies. It's pretty neat, I won't lie.


Let's say Gerard's family moves into this house (with a basement!) and at first Gerard is kind of cranky and grumbly because he didn't want to move in the first place, and he's this geek/nerd/outcast and he didn't have that many friends anyway, but now he has exactly none and all the kids at his new school are big and stupid and mean and, and, he is not happy! >:(

One day, preferably in the summer, when Gerard has a ton of free time, he has a run-in with the bullies by the kind of crappy comic book shop (it's nowhere near as good as the one where they used to live, but it's all he has, okay) and he's frustrated and angry and his parents don't understand, so he's all slamming doors and upset and goes down into the basement to hide/sulk, and maybe knocks over some boxes/crates whatever in the basement that were there when they moved in. Normally, he wouldn't care, but then there is this noise. Gerard knows this is how horror movies start, but he can't not look to see what it is, but he's no one's idiot, so he grabs a baseball bat and goes to investigate and is whipping old tarps off the pile of boxes/crates he knocked over and -


Like, a whole lot of nothing.

Feeling cheated of his horrible face-eating monster, Gerard lowers the bat and turns around and Jesus! There's like this kid, he looks like a teenager or something, definitely older than him and kind of angry and oh, god, how did he get in the basement, and he looks like he wants to punch Gerard in the face and -

And the kid is just, "What the hell?"

And Gerard is, "Hey! This is my house, you don't get to ask that!" (Or something like that, only it comes out really nervous and really fast, and kid just stares at him, more confused than angry.)

The kid (Frank) is just. "Uh, okay. But seriously, what the hell?"

And then Gerard is all, "Blah, blah, blah" at Frank, telling him who he is and everything and he and Frank become friends!

Frank shows him his tattoos and makes the swallows fly around and whatnot, which, of course, utterly fascinates Gerard. (Gerard thinks it's totally awesome that Frank's tattoos come alive, or whatever, Gerard doesn't really know what to call it since Frank's a ghost and everything, okay.)

Frank is all, "LOL :DDDD" at the dorky human kid who thinks his tattoos and other ghostly abilities are awesomecakes and isn't afraid of him and so on and so on.

Gerard really does think Frank and his tattoos are awesomecakes, and he sits and sketches Frank and his tattoos, and maybe Mikey had a cold or something when Gerard first met Frank and couldn't get out of bed, but when he gets better Gerard drags him down to the basement to meet Frank and the three of them totally become BFFS!

But then there is growing up and Gerard leaving, only Frank can't leave because he's bound to the house, and he's all "D:" because he knew the day when Gerard left - and forgot about him, because that's what people do - he should have learned his lesson after the kid who lived there before Gerard did the same damn thing, and god, Frank is so stupid.

Gerard and Frank have a big stupid fight right before Gerard leaves because they're dumb, and Mikey is all :| at them because, dude, stupid, but they won't listen, and god, he can't believe how dumb the two of them are.

Gerard goes to art school and does...stuff (maybe he writes comic books, maybe he becomes a famous artist, or maybe he starts a band, I don't know, but he goes out and lives his life) and then one day he meets this Lyn-Z person and falls stupid head over heels in love with her and they get married and it's all fantastic, right? He never thought he'd be happy like this, but always, always, always in the back of his mind there's Frank. Frank who was Gerard's first real best friend, never mind the fact he's a ghost, because it's not like that ever mattered, and Frank was Gerard's first love, only he didn't realize it at the time because, hey, he was young and stupid, and, oh, god, he's totally been in love with Frank this whole time and never knew, and Frank probably loved him too, and, like.


Gerard's parents want to sell the house, but Gerard is all, "NO! YOU CAN'T!" only he can't tell them why because, you know, the whole thing about the ghost in the basement and people thinking Gerard's all crazycakes if he does. So instead he buys the house from his parents, because it wasn't that bad a place to grow up, and he and Lyn-Z are thinking about settling down or something, but they can't get to the house right away (they have strings to tie up, like apartments and moving and work or whatever), so he asks Mikey to house-sit or just get the place ready for them or something like that.

Mikey maybe actually stuck around and visited Frank on a regular basis, even though he was off living his life and kept Frank updated on Gerard's shenanigans and whatnot. (Frank, of course, was all sulky and pouty and pretending like he didn't even want to know because Gerard's a big stupid stupid-head, okay, and Frank does not care. (Only, you know, he totally does. He hangs onto every word, and Mikey knows - of course Mikey knows - and tells Frank all about Gerard and his successes and stupid stupidness anyway because Mikey's just awesome like that.)

And then! When Gerard and Lyn-Z have everything settled and taken care of Gerard goes down to the basement. (Gerard's so, so nervous and worried and heartsick and almost turns around to leave - it took Mikey and Alicia andLyn-Z literally shoving down the stairs to get him to go down there at all.) He's carrying a blanket or something, and Frank is trying to hide, but it's Gerard, okay? It's Gerard and they haven't seen or spoken to each other for years because they're stupid and dumb and just. Idiots.

At first Frank is just, "I don't want to see you, human!" only his voice is kind of wavery, and maybe breaks there on the end, on the word 'human'.

Gerard just stands there, looking at Frank's back all sad and quiet, not sure what he can say to apologize, and then there's this little...gurgle.

Frank whips around and his swallows fly over to see what the hell that was without Frank even thinking about it, and holy crap, there's a baby. Gerard's holding a tiny little baby that has Gerard's stupid eyes and Gerard's stupid face and Gerard has a fucking baby.

"I wanted to name the baby Frank," Gerard says, kind of awkwardly, not looking at Frank, "if it was a boy."

Frank looks at him and Gerard looks right back, and they have this WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN moment, and then Gerard smiles at Frank, all crooked and stupidly endearing and oh, god, Frank wants to get closer, to see Gerard's baby girl, but he's a ghost, and it's freezing and what if the baby gets sick because of him and Gerard hates him forever because he gave the baby like, some horrible fatal illness?!

Gerard just rolls his eyes because the baby's wearing a billion layers (Gerard might have gone a little overboard, there) and pulls the blanket away from his little girl's face and holds her out to Frank and says, even quieter, "Lyn-Z wants to meet you," because of course he told her all about Frank and their DOOM-ED love and she actually believes him and thinks it's totally awesome that Gerard's BFFS with a ghost.

Frank is all..."WHAT?" but he knows he and Gerard can never be and it is all sad and heartbreaking, but Gerard still wants to be BFFS with Frank, and wants to share his family with Frank and Frank is just. He never could say to Gerard, and now there's like a little mini-Gerard (only a lot prettier, which, hey, Frank honestly never thought he'd be able to say that, but whatever, it's true.)

Gerard starts to fix the house up, which means Bob and Ray and this Brian dude and Mikey's stupid friend with the donkey laugh and all their other friends and shenanigans and Christ, what the hell is happening to Frank's life here? (Afterlife, whatever.) Also, with Mikey and all those other idiots around Bandit's probably going to end up sticking a fork in a toaster one day if Frank's not looking out for her, so, it's not like Frank has a choice here, right?


...and then, you know, assorted wacky shenanigans! :D?

don't judge me!, wtf?, fob, bandom, plotty things, mcr

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