(no subject)

Jan 17, 2010 17:01

Months and months ago, I posted an entry about some toys that, at the time, were called Go-Go pets.

(If you or anyone you know has small children, or you haven't been living in a hermit-cave or whatnot, you'll probably know them as Zhu Zhu pets. You know, one of the Big toys for the holiday season that caused (relatively) normal, rational human beings into crazed jackasses in search of said toys or any of the many playsets and accessories that went along with them.) At the time I posted that entry, I wondered if the toys were from some children's show I'd never heard of, but didn't really look into it.

Cut to today and this popping up on my flist. I just. I don't know, for some twisted reason I find this hilarious, and also, ahahaha, to anyone with a Zhu Zhu pet in your home once these new projects hit the US.

don't judge me!, wtf?

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