(no subject)

Jun 23, 2009 22:10

This is partly a post about the many ways RL has been keeping me busy lately, and also about this horrible brain mash of fic ideas brought on by random internet surfing and RL keeping me busy.

And, okay, RL has been mostly about work and developing a seething dislike of our neighbors for whatever the hell they're doing with the power tools all damn day every damn day. (At this point in time, I would prefer it if they were building a not-so-secret Lair of Evil or maybe a Doombot. Something to make all the noise worthwhile.)

And, sure, the the only thing I remember about the movie is the kids got sent into space and that sounded awesome to eight year-old me, but that's not the important part. No, the important part is that this would, for some reason, take place in the wondrous, magical ~future!

Gerard is preparing to go off to college or an academy (they seem to have a lot of those in the ~future) and the summer before he leaves their parents send them to a special space camp as some kind of bonding thing or something before Gerard leaves the creepy, doll infested nest! (I don't know, this is all based on bad sci-fi, and so makes total sense in that regard. Supposedly.)

I imagine Mikey to be all weird about Gerard leaving (leaving him, WOE) and Gerard being weird about leaving (leaving Mikey, WOE), but he is going off to learn and whatnot, and he'll call/vid (remember, bad sci-fi!) every day, and Mikey won't even notice he's gone, blahblahblah, and Mikey can have their room to himself, and more blahblahblah. But for some reason they are having problems ~sharing their emotions about how much Gerard leaving sucks, even though it is an awesomecakes opportunity for him and Mikey is so proud and they both think the other one is mad at them so their parents think space Camp will solve everything! (Which, you know, is not entirely impossible!)

So they go to Space Camp, which is just an old space station that's been refitted as a summer camp (~Space Camp!) where kids learn all about the many ways they can die in space (where no one can hear you scream) life aboard a space station (Perhaps there is some bad sci-fi mumbo jumbo about being in space before you are a certain age and your body has not had time to mature is bad and so children and other youngsters are planet-bound until then? WHO KNOWS.)

Space Camp is supposed to be fun and exciting, but when they get there they realize they've been scammed into learning the painful drudgery of life on a space station and, seriously, how many ways there are to die they never even considered before while living on an actual planet, and god, now they're in the depths of space with condescending assholes in the form of their Space Camp instructors the only thing between them and painful, painful death.

(Also, Brian and Bob and other camp counselors who also severely dislike the instructors, but like getting paid, so, you know, whatever.)

There's something about how the brothers Way meet the other Space Camp kids, like that one with the tattoos and the piercings and dumb hair (it's rumored - well, okay, Bob spread that rumor, but it's only because Frank's such a dick to him - that Frank was in space for some unknown period of time after he was born which is why he is not only a tiny little fucker, but also mentally deficient), and that other kid with the awesome hair that, seriously cannot fit in the old EVA suit helmet, really, and the weird counselor kid Wentz, and his little band of campers as well as other assorted people! (Wentz and his campers work the day shift, while Brian and his pack of crazy bastards are, obviously, night shift. Brian's not entirely sure the Ways know what daylight looks like.)

I would like to nominate Brian and Bob as their Space Camp counselors. Frank is clearly the proverbial thorn in Bob's side who chooses to go to Space Camp year after year to torture Bob, and make Brian's life a never-ending hell. (And then he meets Gerard, and Brian realizes Frank was just a warm-up, and oh, god, explosive decompression actually sounds good.)

And then! And then there are shenanigans galore, such as what probably goes on at any summer camp, and possibly hacking and cool bad sci-fi things with computers and that stupid little robot that putters around (I'm thinking someone must surely take it apart at some point and reprogram it). One day something goes horribly wrong and there is (even more!) potential death aboard the ancient space station the campers can defeat only by learning to work together as a team! :D

Possible scenarios:

  • The space station is set to plummet into Earth's atmosphere when the robot's new programming conflicts with its AI safety overrides or some other bad sci-fi pseudoscience-thing!

  • There is a Death Ray is on board that everyone forgot about/assumed had been dismantled (surprisingly, not, or only a few components were removed, but hey, wow, shocker, those components are easily found on the space station). The newly reprogrammed robot turns out to have been part of a military operation where it, and the space station, were to be used as a last-resort orbital weapon. (Always fun and awesome!) The robot thinks its original programming has been activated and Earth, or just certain bits of it, needs to be blown up!

  • The corporation running the Space Camp turns out to be a ~sinister one (they usually are, in such situations) and intend to brainwash kids into being their new soldiers in a multi-part plan to take over the world!

...or, uh. Something. *hands*

don't judge me!, wtf?, fob, bandom, plotty things, rl, mcr

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