(no subject)

May 07, 2009 14:42

It's been a while since I've seen anything Terminator (minus the trailers and previews for Salvation), but I forget if the rest of the world is destroyed/taken over by our future robotic overlords, so humor me if I'm wrong on this, if you don't mind.

If the rest of the world is not destroyed/taken over by our future robotic overlords, all the Merlin-fic I've read has me chortling to myself over the whole "Arthur is meant to come back one day when Albion's need is greatest" bit. (I'm sure you know where I'm headed with this, yes?) I mean, really. Wouldn't Albion's need be greatest when faced with our future robotic overlords? Arthur and Merlin (and assorted friends and associates) running around battling our future robotic overlords using ~magic!

Ahahaha, people would probably think Merlin is a superhero, but no, it's magic. (I'm imagining Merling explaining that he's a sorcerer to someone in a long-suffering tone of voice while Arthur smirks like the prat he is. Whoever Merlin's talking to looks completely baffled because they can't quite grasp the difference between having a superpower and being able to use magic. Merlin sighs and rolls his eyes when whoever he was talking to leaves (still not completely sure Merlin doesn't have super powers after all), and perhaps treats Arthur to an utterly hilarious rant on how ridiculous people are nowadays, because obviously, Merlin being a superhero is much more realistic than him being able to use magic. (His life, so hard.)


Anyone, no, really, anyone, in bandom fighting the good fight against our future robotic overlords. (The mere thought causes much hilarity in my mind.)

Just. Really. Take a moment to picture it for yourself, it's worth it.


I like to think Twitter would be involved. Perhaps it starts with puzzled twittering amongst themselves about malfunctioning technology, followed by irritation and things accidentally being thrown into walls and whatnot, and then, sadly, a chilling final message like "Oh my god!" or "What the hell?!", as previously seen/heard in horror movies when some poor, doomed bastard goes to see what the noise outside their window/basement/attic/other site prime for horrible death and then it overtaken by a minion of our future robotic overlords.

...and then those, few, brave, survivors band together (lol!) to battle our future robotic overlords. (Possibly through the power of music, ahahahaha, Robotech. /o\

(Basically, I didn't need my brain at work and was free to consider the possibilities of what the battle against our future robotic overlords might be like after getting a look at the new Salvation display at the front of our store this morning. Also, lol, crazy.)

don't judge me!, wtf?, bandom, work, plotty things, rl, our future robotic overlords, merlin

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