(no subject)

Mar 01, 2009 08:03

I have this habit of writing truly wretched, horrendous fic-bits for my own personal amusement. Seriously, these things are horrid, and I rarely share them with others. (Basically, they are the things I don't post as fics, which should be an indication of their true badness. /o\)

Mostly these are fic ideas or spin-offs from main fic ideas, little bits and pieces that amuse me enough that I want to keep them somewhere to go back and look at at some later point in time. Usually during a sleepless night, or when I'm bored and am looking for ~inspiration for something I'm working on.

Yesterday I was toying with the possible idea incorporating the whole hitmen AU wherein the bands - or at least Fall Out Boy - exist as a cover for their running around killing people.

As much as I like that idea? I also love the one where they're just hitmen with boring day jobs and therefore do not get noticed the way they would should they be popular bands touring and making albums and shenanigating on (and off) stage. Although the whole touring the world bit would be helpful at times.

Anyway, I was writing the 'real' story behind Joe and Patrick meeting, and how it's almost true.

They did meed at Borders, and Patrick did go up to Joe and talk to him about music, but the parts they leave out in interviews is that Patrick met Joe behind Borders when he was taking a shortcut home (look, there is no logic to these things, don't judge), and Joe was kind of bleeding at the time. And then there was this whole Patrick talking to some dude his age to keep him from passing out and uh, Joe asking him to call Pete on Patrick's cell phone instead of an ambulance to come get him. Pete being slightly (highly) frantic because it was supposed to be an easy job, which was why Pete let Joe handle it by himself, and then suspicious looks at Patrick, and Patrick getting sucked into the world of professional killing and not really knowing why or how it happened, just that Pete's to blame. Oh, and there was also Pete showing up at his house afterwards and Patrick thinking he'd come to kill him to keep his and Joe's secret, only Pete was all, "Joe says you know music?" and then "Hey, nice ensemble, I like what you've done with the argyle/black socks combination," and also, "Can you sing?" and blah, blah, blah.

I was writing and writing and cackling to myself, and then the laptop crashed (again, for the billionth time) and I lost it all. Obviously, someone, somewhere was trying to tell me it was a good thing my laptop crashed and took that with it. Except for how I just blathered on about it, but uh. I don't want to lose the idea, so LJ it is? (I don't know anymore. /o\)

don't judge me!, fob, bandom, plotty things, computer woes, rl, hitmen, horrible secrets (revealed!)

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