(no subject)

Feb 06, 2009 03:03

Through magical means (and the use of pizza and booze as payment) a co-worker has brought my laptop back from the dead and up to lurching speed! Thus far, there have been no demands for brains (or the technological equivalent of) from the laptop, but the night is young! \o?

Anyway. Hey. *waves*

So much has happened the past week, not all of it awesome. The main thing in the not-awesome category is my mom's car falling apart on her, so there has been car shopping going on. I know it's bad to buy into the whole 'car salespeople are a great source of hilarity terror annoyance with their reputations as a cross between sharks, vultures, and leeches', but ohmygod, so true. (Apologies to car salespeople out there who are, in fact, not out to drain our life-force when we dare set foot on their car lot.)

But! I also ventured into B&N, and had an awesome idea while checking out the fiction section. Are you ready for it? Okay, here it is:

I haven't read any of the books in years, but that's okay because I have Wikipedia on my side!

Really, though, I just want Gerard as a bard or somesuch with the rest of bandom sprinkled in there somehow. Perhaps Panic as Companions!

I say this for the glorious possibility of Bob and his Companion Spencer. Think of the possibilities!

Bob is all...Bob-ish, and has to watch this horrible romance/drama between Gerard and Frank unfolding and he has no words - none! - for the horrible stupidity he's seeing. Oh, sure, Mikey and Ray understand, and heaven knows Brian's pretty much at his snapping point, but Spencer, okay. Spencer is the one in Bob's head trading snippy commentary and other such things, all, :Somone should lock them in a small room together, maybe then one of them would catch a clue,:, and other such things, and Bob is trying really hard to keep a straight face because Gerard's right in front of him with this sad, wistful expression. Gerard is convinced Frank is his One True Love, but Frank just thinks they're friends. *WOE*

Brian would be hilariously awesome as Gerard's Companion. (His life, so hard.)

But anyway, yes. Brian and Spencer and the other Companions obviously commiserate over Gerard and Bob and Frank and how their lives are so hard while Gerard and Bob and the others bumble their way through every romance movie/novel cliche ever.

Or, uh, something. I don't know, it's late and I am so totally amusing myself picturing these things playing out in my head.

Bob the grumpy Herald! Ray the cheerful Herald who sometimes confuses Bob! Mikey the :| Herald! Gerard pining for Frank who is likewise pining but neither of them realize because they are busy pining and being dumb! Brian and Spencer the long-suffering Companions!

Earlier thoughts on the matter included Mikey as Gerard's Companion (but then Gerard wouldn't always have been his big brother, which is sadmaking, but he could be a Companion who is fascinated by unicorns/stories of unicorns/I forget if there were even things like unicorns in this universe), Bob as Alberich, Bob and Ray as Kerowyn and Darenthallis, Pete and Patrick as Kethryveris and Tarma, and other ponderings. *hands*

So. Yes.

don't judge me!, fob, bandom, plotty things, computer woes, rl, p!atd, book!love, mcr

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