Dreams I've had featuring bandom dudes, part the ???:

Jan 10, 2009 05:14

Tonight's bandom dream starred Alex DeLeon. As a superhero.


For real.

The cops were after him for something or other (most likely the same reason they're always trying to catch the superheroes in comic books and movies). He didn't actually have a costume, although I think he was wearing a t-shirt with the Punisher logo/emblem/thing on it? Also, there was no plot. There was a lot of explosions, gunfire, DeLeon's mentor/sidekick guy patching him up while giving the "You're going to get yourself killed if you keep doing this!" speech, and the bit where he knew he had to face down his nemesis. (I never did find out who it was.)

I just. *hands* I don't know what to think about the dream, other tahn it was kind of awesome while it lasted.

dreams, don't judge me!, bandom, the cab

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