(no subject)

Oct 13, 2008 19:34

I had the most random thought today while spacing off:

Sherlock Holmes AU with Ryland as Holmes (Guy Ripley, I'm just saying), and Suarez as Watson!

Maybe an actual AU or for whatever reason (sitcoms have taught me head injuries are perfect for these kinds of wacky shenanigans!) Ryland thinks he's Sherlock Holmes! He thinks The Cab are the Baker Street Irregulars and sends them off to gather information! Panic (or maybe just Ryan and his affinity for grandpa outfits) are from Scotland Yard! Ryland fashions a deerstalker from one of Gabe's favorite shirts and steals someone's pipe and goes around making deductions and maybe revealing several desperately hidden crushes certain people may have on their bandmates! He's all smug and, "Elementary, my dear Watson," while everyone else flails and sputters because holy crap, that was supposed to be secret! (And then there's making out and whatnot when it is discovered that said crushes weren't unrequited, etc., etc., etc.) Alex just follows along very long-suffering trying to keep Ryland from getting into trouble.

...I don't even know, okay, but the mental images are hilarious.

tai, don't judge me!, bandom, the cab, cs, plotty things, p!atd

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