(no subject)

Sep 22, 2008 11:08

I don't know what it is with consecutive Mondays on no sleep, but it's not good! (Although, maybe if I had a normal sleep cycle? /o\)

Okay, so even though these are kitties, this is how the romantic comedy of my soul starts. Only, you know, with people in the starring roles. Or. Um. Soemthing. I don't know, socially awkward loser dorks in love is a favorite genre of mine. (This explains so much about bandom and my neverending love for it, I think.)

scorpionvoices! This reminded me of that AU you were talking about that one time! Poor Brian. His life, so hard.

Their love is pure and good!

I love how Patrick looks as though he walked in on something he just really didn't need to know about. Ever.

For someone in a bearsuit, Pete has an unsually serious expression.

This will never not be funny to me. Possibly it's the way Gerard is all, "There is a tiny panda climbing up my arm, but I am not at all concerned by this. Mmmm. Water."

picspam, don't judge me!, fob, bandom, mcr

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