
Jul 19, 2008 05:32

Random thought:

Bandom + Starfleet.

Starships and space stations and phasers! Bandom people running around spouting the Prime Directive and then totally ignoring it when the situation warrants! Shuttlecraft! Aliens! Boldly going where no man has gone before!

(I may have watched a Star Trek movie recently. :D)

don't judge me!, bandom, dorkish, plotty things, star trek

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margueritem July 19 2008, 17:26:32 UTC
Wait, better idea: Spencer and Ryan are the vulcans; or well, Ryan's vulcan; Spencer's his best friend (and human).


kitsune_tsuki July 19 2008, 19:55:25 UTC
Oooh. I like this too! Ryan makes all these comments that are jokes, but the only one who can tell is Spencer! Oh, Star Trek.


margueritem July 20 2008, 02:35:46 UTC
I like this: Ryan as the son of a human and a vulcan; his father (Vulcan) is cold and fails to provide what his son (who has chosen his human side more than his vulcan side) needs. One of their neighbours are the Smiths (all human, but the parents are scientist working along side with vulcan scientists) and Ryan becomes best friend with Spencer who - having lived with vulcans so long - can be quite impassible until he smiles and then *bam* you're blind.

Brendon would be the son of pacifists, who can't reconcile with their son joining starfleet! Noooh! *shunning and sadness ensues*

Ryan would be the communication officer. Spencer chief of security. Brendon... No idea. And Jon... Something. ♥


kitsune_tsuki July 20 2008, 03:51:23 UTC
They went through Starfleet Academy together, where they met Brendon! After graduation they end up assigned to different ships until a few years later when they get assigned to a newly commissioned starship!

And, oh, Brendon. *pets*

Brendon could be science, maybe? And Jon is an engineer maybe! They end up working together sometimes and it's awesome because Jon can make anything work!


margueritem July 20 2008, 03:55:33 UTC
William could be the chief-engineer on some ship (helmed by Gabe?) and then Jon leaves to go work for Gerard's ship! So Jon works with the engines, with flip flops. ♥flipflops♥

Brendon would be a reptile specialist! Dinosaurs!


kitsune_tsuki July 20 2008, 04:39:08 UTC
Oh. yes! (I feel that's all I'm contributing here, but I love your brain, so. *hands*) Brian finally has to have a talk with Jon about wearing his flip flops in engineering. There's a reason tehir uniforms have boots, Mr. Walker! >:|

Jon sighs and agrees to wear his beloved flip flops off-duty.

Brendon! Yes! He's in heaven when they find a pre-historic planet, right up until the dinosaurs try to eat him and Spencer saves his life.


margueritem July 20 2008, 05:06:52 UTC
I love your brain, too. :) *tries to not eat it*

Who's the chief engineer? Is it Jon? He should have a boss... Greta! She's the chief engineer. *nods*

He sighs and complains to Brendon, while wearing flip flops and wiggling his toes.

And Brendon hugs Spencer all the time after the rescue and Jon is jealous and Ryan is jealous. This is not going to end up well.

We need a pilot and... Wait what were Sulu's and Chekov's jobs? Andy (from FOB) should be in charge of the guns. Drummers should always be in charge of the guns. It's in the arms.

Who drives? flies? steers? Whatever the word is.


kitsune_tsuki July 20 2008, 06:15:34 UTC
Jon has a totally platonic crush on Greta because she's a genius!

Brendon nods and says that hey, yeah, that's a bummer, Jon. No doubt about it. And then takes him off to the holodeck to check out the latest dinosaur simulation he made. The best part is that he put in really soft grass so Jon could go barefoot if he wanted.

Sulu was the helmsman/pilot and Chekov was the navigator. I can't remember who was in charge of the phasers and photon torpedoes in the original series, but in Next Generation it was the security officer.

Maybe Joe is the helmsman? Or, hey, Patrick! (Unless he's a scientist somewhere.)


margueritem July 20 2008, 21:14:38 UTC
"Her brain, man, her brain," sighs Jon. Spencer looks grumpy (as grumpy as he ever looks) and starts talking about guns, which turns on Jon (hey, raised by neo-hippies, but guns are still cooool).

Oh man. ♥ Brendon would also program in a cat. It doesn't fit with the rest, but who cares? And Jon would pet the dinosaurs and teach the cat to catch barefoot!

Why do we need a pilot and a navigator? Is this a boat thing? I think either Sulu or Chekov was in charge of shooting, I think. Andy should be the security officer! Spencer's boss.

Pete is the recreation officer!!! \o/ Karaoke night! Dancing! Naked dancing!

Joe as helmsman, who looks a bit like a stoner (not-regulation hair!!!) but he's surprisingly articulate and can skewer you in three moves with his sword.

Patrick... Hmmm... He was the science guy in that video with the vampires.

We need a telepath.... We need someone who takes care of people's mind!


kitsune_tsuki July 21 2008, 07:45:06 UTC
Spencer totally has a collection of antique firearms and, you know, hand grenades and whatnot in his quarters that he shows Jon when Jon goes off on Greta for the billionth time. (Jon maybe does this to mess with Spencer because he's hot when he's pissed, okay. Jon's not proud, but if it works it works.

♥_♥ Jon would try to teach the dinosaur babies to fetch. It would be hilarious. He's like, "Here, boy. Here baby apatosaurus! Fetch the stick, boy, fetch the stick!" (And then it brings back a log instead of the stick Jon threw ( ... )


margueritem July 21 2008, 20:58:21 UTC
Jon is like Brendon, this way; he likes domineering (word?) partners. He totally fantasies about Spencer ordering him around. So he keeps pulling Spencer's pigtails (figuratively), but Spencer was raised in Vulcan so his courtship ritual doesn't look all that different from normal friendship (only Ry'an realises Spencers interest). So, sad, defeated, Jon accepts to go out on a date with... someone; and Brendon crashes on Jon's date all wide-eyed and panicked, going, "OMG, Spencer is on the warpath!" and he then proceeds to empty Jon's and Jon's date's wine glasses. He doesn't like white wine, but he needs alcohol to calm his nerves. Jon's date is exasperated; Jon kept talking about Brendon, Ryan, Spencer or his cats all during the date. He/She doesn't have to take this ( ... )


kitsune_tsuki July 23 2008, 07:47:12 UTC
Ahaha. Spencer just raises his eyebrows at Jon (even Ry'an can't do it that well). Jon goes on a date with someone from security (a Red Shirt!) Spencer didn't really have an opinion about other than he/she was a good officer, until Jon started dating him/her. (Or! An ambassador they're taking to another planet who kept making these eyes at Jon.) Also, oh, Jon. So completely smitten ( ... )


margueritem July 23 2008, 20:01:53 UTC
Oooh, ooh! Ever watched DS9? There was this species that had symbionts in them? Well the ambassador is from there and Jon finds the whole symbionts thing (two persons in one!) terribly attractive; he doesn't know why... But Spencer on the warpath! Brendon drinking his wine! Jon excuses himself from the date and goes see what the matter is. He is sad to see that Spencer wasn't jealous at all; it's just that Brendon touched something he shouldn't have and Ryan had received a communication from Vulcan and Spencer got cranky. Never mind the fact that last week, Brendon had done something similar and Ryan had to battle an evil telepathic thing and Spencer didn't go on the rampage then ( ... )


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