Music downloads!

Jul 14, 2008 06:52

Musics! Songs for those of you out there (like me) with a warped sense of humor. :D

Clearly this is a song someone snuck into the playlist Gerard listens to when he's working on the Hamster Room for his little hamster empire. He does not think it is the least bit funny, okay? Seriously. Not. Funny. (Frank and the others think it's pretty damn hilarious except for maybe Bob, who is still a little weirded out by the tiny hamster versions of them.)

Big Daddy - Hamster Love

This song makes me think of Mikey from Gerard: BPOTO and Frank: TIGSWLH. I like to pretend it's the story of his life before he found ~true love. Or something. *hands*

Jonathan Coulton - Seahorse

For everyone who has either had or has a car that seems to spend more time in the shop than on the road.

The Arrogant Worms - Car Full of Pain

Okay, so this song just makes me chortle to myself. (Seriously, I don't even know.)

The Arrogant Worms - Carrot Juice is Murder

My high school chemistry teacher played this for us when we were learning the periodic table, and I was ridiculously delighted to find it again.

Tom Lehrer - The Elements

I'm sure everyone has this song, but I'm adding it just in case because it's one of the songs I love listening to that makes me smile no matter what. :D

Barenaked Ladies - If I Had $1,000,000

music, downloads, bandom, science!, plotty things, mcr

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