(no subject)

May 16, 2008 23:33


Today was like being on the surface of the sun, and it was not fun. Not fun at all. Also, I watched the 1985 version of Bridge to Terabithia, one of the standard "Movie Day! :D" movies we were made to watch over and over and over again when I was in elementary school, along with The Neverending Story.

I can tell you right now which one I preferred, and it's not *spoiler!* (Ahaha. GERARD. Your scandalized everything when you were talking about that in that interview.)

The main character's father was a sheriff and there was some sort of hostage/kidnapping situation. The kidnapper demanded the sheriff send his kid over as a sign of good will or something, and the kid, this poor kid was a coward or somesuch (in reality, I realize no, he was just a kid, his father was the one who made him think he was a coward) and resolves to be brave in the face of the wtf of this movie, and goes.

And then it turns out the reason his father sent him over was because he was expecting him to be all cowardly and the kid did break down, I think, but he was upset with himself about it, and then he finds out his father was counting on him being a coward and there is Great Emotional Betrayal. Also, death by suicide I think? I cannot for the life of me remember what this movie was, or if my memory has betrayed me and blended several movies together, but it haunts me. I seem to remember there being something about a train?

And. I don't know. I'm fairly certain it was based on a book or short story, but it was a long time ago. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? It was one of the things from my childhood that makes me feel all twisted up inside because it just felt so wrong to me, and I kind of want to see it again from an adult's perspective to know what was so amazing about it that they let us watch it.

Also, another great favorite on "Movie Day :D" was Benji the Hunted. This wasn't until we moved to Washington, where apparently human death in children's movies wasn't enough, so they tried to break us via animal death. AWESOME.

Ooh. And then there was the one where the main character's horse gets trapped in the mud or a bog (not The Neverending Story), and there was emotional trauma and all I really remember was the part about the horse.

Was I the only one who went to school where they tried to break your will through the clever use of books and movies, or did that happen to you too?

movies, wtf?, bandom, my childhood!, rl, mcr

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