So I maybe watched
this video again today. Like, many, many times. And I still want the fic to accompany it.
(Here, have the song, too, while I'm at it:
3 Doors Down - It's Not My Time [
Lyrics ] )
I don't know, maybe the one where Frank dies (seriously, don't run!) and Gerard's visiting his grave and makes some sort of deal with someone. It's never explained who he makes the deal with! He could have made a deal with the devil, or an angel, or someone/thing else entirely!
Gerard has to save lives - like the guy in the video - and if he does it right he'll get a chance, just one chance, at saving Frank. But he doesn't know what he's doing at first and he only has a week or something to figure it out. Maybe he gets sent back in time or something, and each time he saves someone it keeps getting harder and harder and he's being run ragged, just a huge mess. Mikey and the others keep calling him and asking what the hell is going on because he's never home, and never answers his phone, but he can't quit because he has to save Frank!
Everyone's worried that Gerard's lost his shit, and they're talking about getting him help, and maybe there's an intervention. (One time Mikey sees him, Gerard reeks of alcohol because he had to save some guy in a bar fight and, he ended up getting alcohol all over himself during the life saving! IDK!)
Gerard freaks the hell out when he realizes he's been sent back in time because Frank's not dead, but Gerard can't explain what's going on or the deal he made is off. Frank keeps making sad faces at him, and follows Gerard around and Gerard has to pull super lame Superman/Batman “Look over there!” things to get away from Frank long enough to save someone's life.
I don't know, I'm seeing the potential for shenanigans amongst all the angst because Gerard has to save Frank, but everyone just think he's really fucking crazy and they can't figure out what set him off this time. He comes back soaking wet after saving someone and everyone's in his living room all, “This is an intervention,” and “We're worried about you!” and “We care!” and all Gerard wants is to sleep for a week and a fucking towel.
The person/being he made the deal with keeps popping up out of nowhere and nitpicks, all, "Oh, you should have taken the bus. Or carpooled." And then lists off all these statistics of how much gas and energy Gerard's wasting running around in a car by himself, and talks about Global Warming, and Gerard just has a bitchface on the whole time. (Supernatural beings with godlike power are so clearly overrated. Seriously.)
And then! I don't know, Gerard saves Frank.
No, I know, right? Very anti-climatic, so obviously there should be staring and, “You saved my life,” and “You're welcome?” and then kissing!
IDK, it just seems like everything should end in awkwardness and kissing when it comes to Frank and Gerard.
Someone needs to write this/I need to stop watching the video! *hands*