(no subject)

May 01, 2008 21:36

I had a Supernatural dream. It was about the Impala. I don't even know, but it was amazing. It was canonically incorrect, I guess, since I seem to remember it having been said that the Impala was Mary's? But my subconscious cares not for canon, and the whole thing was a massive AU, but I digress.

Teenager John, I'm guessing he was about sixteen or so, goes to some junkyard (Bobby's, for the record, since he was there) and finds this junked out wreck of a car, all rusted out, even though it would have been new at the time, or you know, not even around yet? Maybe he went to buy it after he got out of the military. (Oh, my brain, I love how you have no idea what the hell's going on.) John tries to buy it, but Bobby's dad is, very serious, "You don't want that car, son."

And John, of course, John won't listen and buys it anyway. (Perhaps I saw Christine one time too many.)

And then...fast forward a few years or something and. Um. It all gets very confusing but apparently either the Impala was haunted, like it's previous owner died and their spirit was somehow attached to the Impala, or there was a third Winchester child who died that Dean and Sam didn't know about and their spirit was attached to the car, or maybe it was supposed to be John's father somehow? (I don't even know what the hell was going on at this point in the dream, only that the Impala is haunted by this ghost by the time the series starts and somehow protects Dean and Sam?) It sounds super lame the more I explain it, but oh, wow, there were these montages in my dream and it all seemed way, way awesome.

There was also this other dream that was very sci-fi and involved bodyguards and attempts on someone's life and it felt oddly Star Wars? Very strange, but I blame that one on my Kink/Cliché challenge fic and warped brain.


dreams, supernatural, don't judge me!, wtf?, bandom, rl, mcr

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