(no subject)

Mar 25, 2008 20:11

I played Oregon Trail kind of a lot this weekend. I maybe left more than my share of bodies by the wayside. Sorry, dudes.

Also, because people need to know the horrible truth:

Ray Toro is behind the disappearance of Breakfast Monkey. Everyone knows that he was the last one seen with the victim, although they have not been able to find proof that he did it. Look at his beady, serial killer eyes (Ray's, I mean, even though Breakfast Monkey also has beady little eyes in this picture). Look at the horror on Breakfast Monkey's face. Or, you know, the way his little monkey arms are spread out in terror. Or, okay. Maybe he's thrilled because Ray's lied to him about delicious breakfast foods, I don't know. The point is, Ray's totally a serial killer.

He just likes to lull people into a false sense of security. Like Mikeyway. Mikeyway, no!

But, alas, Mikeyway was not to be brutally murdered. Instead he was turned to the dark side, or rather, the serial killer side. (Apparently there are better cookies to be found there.)

Here Ray is looking around furtively to see if anyone has caught on to his serial killer ways tendencies! (Also, the Ways have the best/worst last name ever, right? I mean, seriously.)

Pete Wentz has heard rumors of his old friend Mikeyway's new hobby and tries to find out the truth. Unfortunately, Pete forgot the binoculars and attempts to make do with what he has.

Pete goes to Gerard, but Gerard isn't in the mood to listen at the moment.

When Pete talks to Frank, Frank is absolutely no help. Neither is Brian, who is busy watching...something.

Pete goes to see Bob as he thinks their shared hometown will somehow make Bob more likely to listen to him. He is wrong. Bob doesn't stop laughing for days. The thought of Ray Toro being a serial killer is utterly ridiculous. ("Ahahaha," says Pete, and walks away vowing to reveal Ray Toro's true nature to the world.)

Ray's noticed Pete following him and decides something needs to be done. Also, Bob bursting into laughter every time they see Pete lurking around is getting kind of annoying.

Serial Killer Ray Toro says, "Body buried under the mall's ice rink? Check!"

Mikeyway says...well, okay. He doesn't actually say anything, but people get the idea anyway.

Especially if they know what's good for them.

Good friends of the band Ray Toro and Mikey Way make an appearance in Fall Out Boy's Behind the Music episode talking about the mysterious circumstances surrounding the disappearance of former bassist Pete Wentz.

don't judge me!, wtf?, fob, bandom, crack, picspam, fmsa, mcr, picfic

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