(no subject)

Mar 11, 2008 04:35

Oh, god. So from this post about Pete being weird and Patrick having none of it, I somehow - it wasn't that great a leap, I suppose - decided that Pete and Patrick and their dogs would help make for the best updated version of 101 Dalmations in just about ever.

No, really. Stay with me here.

Patrick is Roger, the dude who's always trying to write music and kind of failing a little - he has the music but not the words. He has a fairly normal, mundane life, just going about his business and writing music for radio and television ads. He has a maid/housekeeper/roommate. You know, that Joe guy, who makes sure Patrick doesn't die due to forgetting to eat and whatnot when he's working, and also making sure the food in his fridge doesn't take on sentient form, etc., etc., etc.

Pete is Anita who is crazy smart, but mostly just crazy. He wants to start a band, maybe, or something like that - he has the words but not the music. He also has a maid/housekeeper/roommate. You know, that Andy dude who's kind of cool until he harshes Pete's fun with "Pete, seriously. Jumping off a second story roof because you think you found pixie dust and can fly if you think positive thoughts isn't a good idea."

(Andy mostly makes sure Pete doesn't earn himself a Darwin Award.)

One day Patrick is out walking Penny in the park and in a stunning coincidence that just happens to be exactly where Pete and Hemmy are! (Shocking!)

There are shenanigans in which Penny and Hemmy meet, fall hopelessly in love and decide that their people (Patrick and Pete) must also fall in love so that Penny and Hemmy can be together forever and ever.

Patrick is not so sure about that and is wondering if he needs to take Penny to a dog therapist or put her on doggy prozac or something. Pete thinks Hemmy's being weird, but come on, it's hilarious that they both kind of have a thing for tiny redheads. Well, no. Pete just has a thing for Patrick. He's man enough to admit it even though Andy maybe makes fun of his girlpants sometimes.

There are more shenanigans and Pete somehow convinces Patrick that he is not a total weirdo/perv and they get married/move in together/live in sin. Joe and Andy, worried that Patrick and Pete will kill one another in a fight/forget to eat/jump off a roof move in too because Pete has this amazing house with a pool.

Penny gets pregnant and Pete's old classmate flame Mikeyway shows up with his hot wife Alicia and and coos over adorable Penny and Hemmy, and Pete's all, "Mikeyway! Long time no see!"

Patrick is weirdly uncomfortable about it all. Perhaps it has something to do with the cat Mikey's carrying wearing the hoodie and looking like she wants nothing better than to die.

Pete promises that Mikey can see the puppies when they're born, and Mikey, Alicia, and the Cat of Eternal Suffering leave.

The puppies are born! Life goes on, and Patrick and Pete make beautiful music together (in more ways than one). Andy and Joe help them make beautiful music, but only in the recording studio because they are totally the straight dudes in the band, okay?

Joe and Andy are less worried that Patrick and Pete will somehow kill one another/die from lack of eating/jumping off high places because now that Patrick and Pete are grandparents they're acting more responsible.

Mikey shows up intent on dressing the puppies in horrendous pet clothes for this glorious photo/video shoot he and Alicia have planned that they are going to share with the entire world via MySpace and YouTube. Patrick is so very not happy with that idea! He loves his grandkids and doesn't want to traumatize them.

More shenanigans where Mikey and Alicia become a little obsessed with dressing the puppies up for this Project - they already have a herd or a flock or whatever you call a bunch of puppies at their place (Mikey and Alicia are too excited to care about the correct terminology) ready to be dressed up for this incredible photo/video shoot, but Patrick puts his foot down.

Yet more shenanigans in which Penny and Hemmy's puppies go missing and Patrick and Pete are beside themselves with worry! Penny and Hemmy go off in search of their babies and the rest of the bandom pets pitch in to help. The Iero-Nestor animals plot with Gerard's Hamster Army to get the puppies out! Twilight Barking! Shenanigans!

Just when they think they're in the clear Bunny Marie Way shows up. She's a battle-scarred veteran of the pet-clothing wars looking for a way out, and sees the perfect opportunity with the puppies! But Penny, or perhaps one of her adorable babies manages to touch her deadened, black soul and she changes her mind at the last minute and sacrifices herself for the puppies. The puppies and their parents make it back to Patrick and Pete's place safely.

Bunny is remembered as a brave hero in the pet world, and a national holiday is created in her honor.


(And totally can't because good god, what are those people doing to her? Space boots and bunny ears are not a cool combination any way you look at it, okay?)

Mikey and Alicia give up on the puppy photo/video shoot because they have Bunny who "Just loves her hoodie, yes she does! ♥ ♥ ♥" not to mention their other pets.

Patrick, Pete, Joe, Andy and all of the dogs move to this huge farm in the country that has enough room for all the puppies and continue to make beautiful music together. (In more ways than one, although Joe and Andy only help them make beautiful music in the recording studio because they are the straight ones in the band, okay? Straight. Except for those one or two dude exceptions, but come on, everyone has them. Right?)


don't judge me!, wtf?, fob, bandom, crack, plotty things, mcr

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