(no subject)

Mar 03, 2008 13:31

Ahaha. Does anyone remember the old Dungeons & Dragons cartoon?

How awesome would it be if that happened to MCR? They're on the road and there's this amusement park and everyone (Gerard? Frank?) is all "Pulloverpulloverpullover!" So they go on this ride and get transported to a ~magical~ realm and have awesome adventures! Brian is the tiny little DM guy! He's cranky and glares at everyone! (And/or Brian is the cavalier! HAHAHA. OMG.) Mikey finally gets his unicorn! Bob wants to know what he ever did to deserve this! Gerard and Ray are all "Whee!" Frank is going crazy because how awesome is this?

...I mean. How about that weather, huh? Because it's awesome that it's raining. Again.

P.S. Straylight Run, ilu. Where have you been all my life?

comment fic, don't judge me!, bandom, my childhood!, plotty things, mcr

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