(no subject)

Jan 15, 2008 18:47

Last night I had this ridiculously awesome bandom AU dream in which Pete was on the run from people who wanted to kill him and he ended up holed up in a cabin somewhere with Patrick. They'd had some kind of argument or something and hadn't seen one another for a few years, and Pete starts talking about his kid, and Patrick is quietly freaking out because no one told him Pete had a kid - and then Pete pulls out his wallet and he has a billion pictures of Hemmy. Pete starts showing Patrick all these pictures and says, completely serious: "He has your eyes, Patrick."

(I think he was on painkillers because he was hurt, which just made it so much better because Patrick was all "I would totally punch you right now if you weren't all drugged up for freaking me out like that.")

And then everything got weird and confusing before my alarm went off and woke me up, but oh, man. The look on Patrick's face when he realized Pete was getting all sappy over his dog, and Pete talking about the custody battle and visitation rights and it's just. I woke up smiling so hard, you wouldn't believe. ♥ ♥ ♥

dreams, don't judge me!, fob, bandom

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