
Jan 04, 2008 17:39

This fandom, I love it.

I am also maybe dying of horror laughter while peeking at my computer screen between my fingers. Things like this is why I resisted RPS for so long, and yet now? It's hilarious in a horrifying sort of way.

P.S. Ahahaha. I love that everyone just wants to be helpful. ♥ ♥ ♥

ETA: This is made of win.

wtf?, bandom

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kitsune_tsuki January 6 2008, 04:40:28 UTC
Oh, but you forget - this is Gerard. It's probably some combination of the two - perhaps even a harlequinn with space pirates (who are not Han Solo) and abductions and forced marriages and -- wait. I think I've read those books. I seem to remember one Star Wars book in particular in which some prince was trying to woo Leia and Han was not happy.

(Also, I may have outed myself as being geekier than previously expected! ;D)

It is. He just wanted to play in fandom but then he became fandom and everything he used to like is just all weird now. Except for that one fic where he and Frank... Well. It's not like it's real or anything.

(Except for how he totally gets tips on how to woo Frank via pornfiction, and then later has to explain to Frank and the others that no, he's not actually crazy when he starts acting all weird. He just read something on the internet -

Mikey throws up his hands all "Have you not seen this shirt?" and points at the "Don't Google Yourself" shirt he's wearing. And everyone nods because now it makes sense and wander off while Gerard looks all huffy and mildly insulted. Frank, though. Frank comes back later when everyone's gone and smirks all "You were totally trying to woo me, huh?"

Gerard kind of blushes and shakes his head, but Frank's being all smirky at him and it's totally not fair and somehow it all leads to kissing and the taking off of clothes. Gerard totally loves fandom again.)

Ahaha. Before I got into the SPN fandom I would not have thought twice about seeing icons of them because they're brothers. Siblings do things like that! But now I spend a few moments wondering if it's a sibling thing to whoever the icon belongs to or a sibling thing. And maybe feel bad because I want good things for Gerard and Mikey! Incest is not a good thing!*

*I feel the need to put this here so as not to offend those in fandom who like Wincest or Waycest or whatever, even though those aren't really my things and I understand the difference between RL and fandom. But I'm paranoid, so. OMG, /babbling. *facepalm*)


chebonne January 6 2008, 11:42:19 UTC
I keep forgetting that Gerard is not like the other boys. Which of course, is why I love him so much. As I told restless_jedi yesterday, every day I think I couldn't possibly love him any more and then...

I bet he avoids the pnes from his POV and shit, but the Frank ones are fair game. Come on, it's about him and Frank having sex. What is not cool with that? A little weird, sure, but still. Sex. With Frank.

(I love that shirt! And Gerard would totally do that.)

I know! I feel like putting a disclaimer on all of my sibling icons -- "I love brothers being brothers but not lovers!", or something. Sigh. I mean, I don't mind other people reading or writing incest (much as mpreg and whatnot) but I'd rather not read it myself. Of course, I don't think that Mikey or Gerard should read Waycest because that is just wrong on so many levels.


kitsune_tsuki January 6 2008, 12:14:53 UTC
I firmly believe that Gerard is, like, magic or something. There can be no other explanation!

And/or they sit around critiquing fic, reading their favorite bits out loud and going "Oh, you would never say that!" or "I never knew you were that bendy." and, when one or both of them does something schmoopy in whatever fic they're reading "Awwww!". Frank loves reading the summaries for the Waycest ones out loud when Mikey wanders by because Mikey makes this traumatized face and squeaks and runs away, fingers stuck in his ears while Gerard and Frank are dying laughing. (He actually doesn't read the Waycest fics, he just sits with Gerard coming up with potential scenarios because seriously, Gerard's right as a big brother and Frank's right as Mikey's friend and the look on his face! They're always these ridiculous AUs set in Roman times or - hahaha - Planet of the Apes - which is when Mikey realizes they've been messing with him and plans revenge.

(I know! I totally want one of my own.)

Hahaha. Oh, internets. Why do you make us so paranoid? I don't want to accidentally start a wank war so I'm always "I need to explain that it's not my thing, but I'm okay with others liking it! There's no placing judgement going on here, seriously!" and it's ridiculous, but the paranoia!

And oh, yes. Ouch. I mean. Just thinking about how I would feel in their place? I'm pretty sure Mikey's horrified by the thought. There's an interview or something out there where he mentions knowing about Waycest? I think Gerard was all *lol* about it, although that could have been his reaction to fanfic in general. (Now that we know he writes fanfiction, that explains things. XD)


chebonne January 6 2008, 13:17:15 UTC
None! Gerard is magic and fireworks. Much like Frank's kisses.

That too! Ahaha, because they're gigantic geeks they can totally come up with the craziest scenarios. In retaliation Mikey is totally having sex with Pete on the bus. Or he would, if Bob wouldn't punch him for it. (Also? Planet of the Apes, ahahahaha, Gerard you geek.)

The paranoia is what keeps us on the straight and narrow, my friend -- nobody wants a flame war and people are so fucking sensitive, dude.

Gerard is one of us, that's for sure. He's stopped being surprised at fandom, which helps when he and Frank are tormenting Mikey like they do. He knows what freaky shit fen (like himself) can come up with -- even Frank is a bit impressed.


kitsune_tsuki January 6 2008, 14:10:18 UTC
They get into arguments over it sometimes! They totally do crossovers and fusions. Mikey tries to get Ray and Bob to help him but they're secretly dying every time he runs past looking traumatized. Brian just hangs up when Mikey calls him and starts explaining what Gerard and Frank are doing. (I know. I'm kind of amazed/awed because I knew he was a geek, but this is just so incredibly awesome. I kinf of want to know if he has one of the others beta for him or if it's another fan online.)

Exactly, yes.

I kind of love that he knows the origin of fanfic - I didn't know that, and I've been in fandom for a while now. Ahaha. Gerard sends Frank links and Gerard explains fandom etiquette and everyone else just looks at them funny because fandom is serious business! ;)


chebonne January 6 2008, 18:35:42 UTC
Brian's life is so hard. (MIKEY TOTALLY BETAS! "Geez, Gerard, I know you're excited, but use some grammar!" or "[Insert character here] is totally OOC! Come on, he would never do this, Gee!" "He totally would, stop harshing my squee, Mikey!" (Because Gerard is the kind of guy who could and would say "harshing my sqee" and get away with it.) And, as restless_jedi said: "And Ray usually is the pass-fail test audience before Gerard can post. He points out any gaping plotholes. Frank usually just suggests crazy plot twists and crack sidestories.")

Gerard is a BNF and a bigger geek than we are even. I love him so.


kitsune_tsuki January 7 2008, 11:37:50 UTC
Ahahaha. I was seriously laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. Mikey. (He is! And no one thinks anything of it!) Oh my god, now I want to read a fic where all of this takes place so, so bad. Every time I see any of them in front of a computer I'm going to think of them working on Gerard's latest epic instead of working on new songs or whatever cover story they give. It's a group effort!


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