(no subject)

Dec 24, 2007 01:22

While I was wrapping presents earlier today I was thinking about the Buddy Cop AU and somehow ended up pondering possible shenanigans involving Gerard, Pete, and lock picking. Hahahahaha. XD

Gerard slumps down when the door closes after their captors and takes a moment to revel in simply being alive.

There's a rattle to his his left and when he opens his eyes Wentz is staring at him expectantly. Like maybe Gerard's made of magic, and can therefore open their handcuffs and maybe not let them die horrible deaths.


Wentz rattles his handcuffs against the pipes again, and Gerard winces. Hopes to god their guard doesn't decide to come in and shut them the hell up with a kick to the head.

"Fucking what, Wentz?"

Wentz rolls his eyes. "Mikey said you were the one who taught him."

Gerard stares at him for a moment with absolutely no idea what the hell Wentz is talking about. Wentz sighs, like Gerard's purposefully being obtuse, and does this hideously obscene eyebrow waggle and holy god, does Gerard wish he could not know.

"Jesus Christ, Wentz." Gerard almost wants their guard to come in and kick him in the head now, if only to escape the mental images his brain is so intent on bringing up. "I never needed to know that."

"No, I mean. It was an accident, you know?" Wentz goes on, like Gerard wouldn't be beating his own head against the wall if only the fucking handcuffs would let him. "It's kind of funny, really. We were doing this thing - and seriously, I had no idea Mikey was that flexible - and I guess the key fell out of my pocket or something - "

Gerard stretches out as far as he can and tries to kick Wentz with the vague hope that Wentz might catch a clue and fucking shut up. Gerard never wants to hear about his little brother's sexcapades, and he sure as hell doesn't want to hear about them from Wentz.

"Wentz." Gerard's struggling to keep a grip on his sanity. "Shut the fuck up."

It's almost a snarl, and Wentz, surprisingly, shuts up. When Gerard looks over at him Wentz looks concerned, and that might have something to do with the way Gerard's foot is twitching. Like it's still trying to kick Wentz even though they're separated by at least seven feet of space.

"First of all, never, ever tell me anything the two of you did together. Ever." Gerard's eyes narrow because he wants Wentz to understand just how serious he is. "Secondly," Gerard sighs and pulls gently on his own handcuffs. "Secondly I need a piece of metal, like a - "

"Bobby pin?" Wentz is contorted in an odd position, but as Gerard watches Wentz pulls an honest to god bobby pin out of his hair.

"Do I even want to know?"

Wentz shrugs. "Scooby Doo, man."

Gerard stares at him. "So the answer would be 'No', then."

Wentz scowls and flicks the bobby pin at Gerard. "Just fucking get us out of here."

wolfshirts, don't judge me!, fob, bandom, crack, mcr, snippet

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