(no subject)

Nov 29, 2007 14:07

Ahaha. So last night I set Patrick's car on fire (in the paranormal investigator au fic, not real life because that would be bad) and I was trying to think of how they would motor around afterwards since he was the only one with a car and then this popped into my head. I'm thinking it's going to have to be in one of the sequels I have planned, becasue...yes. XD

Patrick knows what Pete's thinking the exact moment he sees the van.

"No, no. It's The Van." Pete says, still staring at it, because he knows what Patrick's thinking too. Patrick really doesn't think in capital letters the way Pete does, and when he does? It's not a good sign. "It needs a new paint job."

And...no. They're scraping the bottom of their collective barrels just for the - The Van - as it is. Patrick doesn't know how much the paint job Pete is envisioning would cost, but he's pretty sure it would be more than they can afford.

"Pete - "

"Seriously," Pete raises his hands like he's framing a shot for the camera sticking out of his back pocket. "How perfect would it be? You could totally be Daphne - you're definitely hot enough for it, and I'm obviously Fred. Joe is totally Shaggy, and there's no way Andy is not Velma."

Patrick rolls his eyes and gets down to checking The Van out. He has a mental checklist in his head of what to look for in a used car, and although it's not on it, he's reasonably certain "Doors that open on the first try." should up near the top somewhere. Patrick pops the hood and walks around to make sure that yes, there is actually an engine under it.

He knows...pretty much nothing about cars or engines aside from the basics his parents taught him like how to change a tire and check the oil, and a few things he picked up in his short, undistinguished career on the road.

"So who gets to be Scooby?" Patrick asks as he slams the hood back down.

Pete's bouncing on his feet a little, huge grin on his face. "Hemmy!"

don't judge me!, fob, bandom, crack, plotty things, snippet

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