(no subject)

Nov 27, 2007 04:06

I was watching LotMS again and oh, boys. My heart.

The thing that made me sit up and take notice this time around (one of the things?) was Gerard saying that he knows how to play guitar. And, okay, he claims that he plays badly, but whatever. At least he knows how to play.

I love that Ray's all "He's not good enough to play live, but he comes up with really interesting riffs."

Which just makes me want fic where when they first meet Ray finds out that Gerard plays and they sit down and Ray gets Gerard to play for him. Like, I don't know, as some sort of getting to know one another thing because Gerard's kind of weird and doesn't really talk about anything - I don't know! - he's shy! Ray knows music, and they kind of meet because of music, and also he's desperate for an ice breaker! Mikey's not around! (Somehow they haven't discovered the comic book connection and whatnot yet. *handwaves*)

Ray wonders if Gerard actually sucks or if he just thinks he does because he seems kind of insecure or something? And Gerard keeps saying "No, really. I suck at this, trust me. The last thing you want is to hear me play." but Ray wears him down and Gerard finally gives in, and shows Ray what he can do. When he's done he flattens his palm against the strings to silence them and just sits there with his head bowed because he has to watch his fingers when he plays, waiting for Ray to tell him that he's awful, that he sucks, right? But Ray's all "No you don't. Here, let me show you something."

He starts teaching Gerard little things here and there and it's not really like an actual guitar lesson or anything, just Ray showing Gerard some stuff he knows. Gerard knows he's never going to be a great guitarist or anything, but it's fun and there's no pressure and Ray's a nice guy. And then their little music sessions become something they do, it's theirs, the one thing they do that belongs to them and not the rest of band.

(Everyone knows they're off doing something, but they all think Gerard and Ray are working on writing a new song or something, not just hanging out and playing guitar.)

Gerard gets better after a while, because it's Ray, but he still thinks he sucks and Ray still tells him "No you don't. Here, let me show you something."

...Um. It's all happy fun times? I don't know. I just like to imagine something like this happens. Cute bonding over informal guitar lessons!

These pictures certainly don't make me want something like this any less. Ray totally approves!

don't judge me!, bandom, plotty things, mcr

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