A few (lame) things about me you might not know:

Nov 15, 2007 03:50

I do this thing? Where I mix my metaphors and whatnot, and I end up with utterly bizarre end products? That usually make no sense and are very often creepy in some way, but I never notice until it's too late and the entire world has seen. So, you know, go me.

I am also overly familiar with spoonerisms. (For the longest time I didn't know what the actual term for it was until one day I was picking through the dictionary for a different word when the damn thing fell open to the page with the definition for spoonerisms. It was like fate, man. Fate.)

P.S. How did I not know about this sooner? It sounds vaguely awesome.

I mean, okay, really awesome? But I'd like to see it before I fully commit to officially saying so. I've been burned before by promises of awesome only to have them deliver something like a dead slug. (I don't know, I can't think of anything else suitably repulsive at the moment, sorry.) Somehow I've never actually read the books, but I do have beloved childhood memories of the movie. I suppose what I'm trying to say is that I'm cautiously optimistic about this new mini-series?

don't judge me!, wtf?, dorkish, my childhood!

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