(no subject)

Nov 09, 2007 06:17

Ahaha. So I've been writing a lot the last few days, and it's been interesting? Yes. Interesting. I did actual research! (And by research I mean I looked things up on Wikipedia and found that YES. YES certain commutes are doable. In theory. They might not particularly enjoyable and whatnot, but would most likely be less expensive in the long-run.)

Also, I have totally been cracking myself up writing, and it's just. Man. I don't even know anymore.

Gerard's not so much annoyed now as he is mildly - for him, mildly for him - freaking out, and he forgets that he's still dressed in drag. Forgets that boys like him (boys at all, period) don't go out in Jersey wearing skirts and make-up, especially at night and especially not to the kinds of places Mikey goes to listen to his bands.

None of this registers in his mind until he gets there and sees Mikey outside on the curb slumped down with his head on this guy's shoulder. Even then he doesn't pay attention to anything but Mikey until he gets out of the car and the guy, this seriously tiny little guy nudges Mikey and says something in his ear that Gerard's knows is supposed to be a whisper.

"Whoa, you didn't tell me you had a sister, dude."

Gerard stops, just fucking stops when the realizes the guy's staring at him with this huge smile on his face, and it's not creepy or anything, just kind of...weird.

That's when Gerard remembers all about the dressing in drag thing, and how he kind of forgets sometimes now because it's not a big thing anymore, it really isn't. It's like a Project now, and somehow it's been enlightening as hell and more than a little dispiriting at the same time. He totally gets that just because complete strangers (guys) are nice to girls, it doesn't automatically make them decent human beings, it just makes them human.

Mikey starts laughing and almost falls over from the force of it, he's laughing so hard, but Tiny Little Guy catches him before his face hits the pavement.

"She's hot." Tiny Little Guy says to Mikey, clearly too drunk to notice how loudly he's talking. That Gerard can hear him. And then, because he realizes Mikey's still laughing, Tiny Little Guy looks up at Gerard with that smile turned on high. “You're hot."

"Fuck me," Gerard mutters, careful not to smudge his makeup as he rubs his face with his hands because he is so not in the mood to deal with this shit at the moment. "Is he okay?”

Tiny Little Guy frowns and looks down at the top of Mikey's head. Pats him clumsily and nods a little too enthusiastically. “Yeah. He's just a little out of it.”

“Yeah.” Gerard says, sagging a little with relief as he eyes Mikey. “Yeah, I can see that.”

Tiny Little Guy giggles, giggles, and shrugs. “I think he got most of it out of his system when he barfed.”

Gerard's mouth twitches when Tiny Little Guy hooks a thumb over his shoulder towards a scraggly row of bushes a few feet away. “It was kind of awesome.”


I don't know what happened there. It's like...there are serious moments in here. I didn't mean to!

don't judge me!, bandom, gid, mcr, fic update, snippet

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