(no subject)

Nov 07, 2007 07:32

Huh. So last night I had this dream in which I was being interviewed in a Dateline: To Catch a Predator style, only without the skeevy guys running around.

The interviewer gave me this Serious Look and was "We've looked into it, and it seems you write badfic." To which I was all nervous laughter and "What? I think you've made some kind of mistake", followed by MORE nervous laughter as I am totally smooth that way.


I don't think he believed me. I also think this is my brain's way of telling me something. Mayhaps.

In other news, I also watched LotMS, and oh man. Oh, man. Eternal love for these guys, I can't even. Just. Their lives, man. Incredible.

And seriously? The thing (...one of the things) I love more than anything? Brian shaving Bob's beard off in the making of for the 'Ghost of You' music video.

You see Bob sitting there while someone - You don't who! Who could it be? One of the make-up people? Someone from wardrobe? A professional Beard Shaver? But no! No! It's Brian! Brian with this look of Intense Concentration! And Bob saying that it was a big moment for him because he'd always had some sort of beard, but if Gerard cut his hair for the video he'd shave his beard and just. Oh, man. I just. I don't know why I love that so much. That, and pretty much every scene ever where the they were goofing off or just being them. It was a thing of beauty to watch. (There are not enough ♥'s in the world, the world, to show my love for them right now.)

dreams, don't judge me!, wtf?, bandom, squee!, mcr

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