(no subject)

Aug 09, 2007 16:30

We all know that stererotypes are bad, right? Dirtybadwrong, even. And yet, when I get a call from a telemarketer who sounds like a Valley Girl informing me about...something something something (I was imagining the SNL GAP Girls sketch in my head so I was a little preoccupied) involving the Gap and other stores I have never heard of nor really care about one way or other all I can do is laugh. There might have been a snicker or a chortle or two in there somwhere too. Because stereotypes are like totally bad.

Also, I'm running on too little sleep and too much caffeine again, so everything is like, way funny.

Gapardy ("The show that's a lot like Jeopardy, except for all the contestants work at the GAP.")

don't judge me!, dorkish, rl

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