Oh, squee!

Mar 14, 2007 12:22

I was checking out the credits for an earlier Supernatural episode (I was playing Spot the Stargate Actor! :D) and read the little summary for SPN 2x18 and!

The Winchesters go undercover as PAs on a haunted movie after getting wind of reports of tag teaming ghosts. The brothers deal with an asinine director out to make cheap thrills, a disenfranchised screenwriter seeking revenge for unnecessary revisions to a formally great script, and Dean's fan-boyish feelings for the leading lady. Stumped by the occurrence of tag teaming ghosts, Sam has to get help from Ash.

Eeeeeee! I just...this is the episode I didn't know I wanted. I am so full of love for the idea alone, I can't put it into words. I mean, yes, okay, I'm worried it will be completely cheestastic and painful to watch, but so far this season the show has filled me with joy and happiness, so I'm willing to have faith they can pull this off. (And can you just imagine Jared and Jensen getting tips from their current PAs? :D)

I can just see Dean getting stuck with some snotty actor while Sam gets, I don't know, the lead actress? And Dean is all 'You need to switch with me Sam!' while Sam is laughing, and laughing, and laughing. And totally crushing on her in secret. ♥!

I'm also worried about the air date being slated as April 19th, since we're just coming off yet another hiatus (I'm so looking at this week's episode as being an early birthday present because Tricia Helfer is in it, and the combined hotness of Jared, Jensen, and Tricia makes me unspeakably happy.)

Speaking of which, I actually had a dream about this week's episode in which Sam and Dean were saying that Molly was the ghost or something? I don't know. It made sense in the dream, but then they decided to go eat pizza and play Grand Theft Auto and it just got all weird.

supernatural, squee!, spoilers

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