I'm so incredibly frustrated at my inability to focus on anything for more than ten minutes at a time, and also, I've been meaning to do this for a while now. So. You know. Meme away, and all. =_=
Post a list of your top five fics favorite you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most. Then tag five other people to do the same.
Hanazakari no Kimitachi e -
Climate Change, G, Akiha/Umeda
I had the basic idea for this fic laid out in my mind but was having trouble actually writing it, so I set it aside for a little bit and when I came back to it later was able to write it exactly the way I'd pictured it in my head. I'm still ridiculously pleased with it for that reason alone.
Stargate: Atlantis -
Flipside, R, McKay/Sheppard (Pre-slash)
There are times when I write completely self-indulgent fic, and this was one of them. I adore Quantum Mirror fics with a passion but could never figure out how to make one work in a way that made sense to me until this one, so this fic is special to me on many levels. (It's also the first time I wrote actual deathfic and meant it! :D)
Stargate: Atlantis -
Orientation, PG-13, Gen
This is the fic that I'm always amazed to realize I wrote. I could honestly see Rodney and Radek doing something like this in canon, and would die happy if the show ever showed us how they integrate new personnel. Even just a little throw away line about it. (I'm not asking for too much, am I?)
Yami no Matsuei -
Cold Weather Maneuvers, PG, Tatsumi/Watari
This was another self-indulgent fic I wrote a while back because I wanted to see Tatsumi and Watari in a snowball fight and just playing together.
Yami no Matsuei -
Poker Night, PG-13, Gen
I have this whole thing in my head where Watari and Wakaba are totally BFF and do things like girl's night in complete with facials and goopy romance movies and gossip. This fic was suposed to be the flipside of that where the others band together and try to do manly things. Or you know, form a support group. Either or, really. I just love the idea of Tatsumi, Hisoka, and Terazuma hanging out and trying to bond and kind of irritating one another at the same time. :D
I tag
you! ♥