(no subject)

Dec 23, 2006 00:14

I'm in my zen place of resenting Christmas right now. Not, you know, the good parts like holiday cheer and goodwill towards my fellow man and all of that. No, I'm resenting the whole wrapping of presents and frantic checklists of things that Need To Be Done and that totally annoying countdown in the back of my head telling me that procrastination is so not my friend.

Also, I've been introduced to a new brand of cold medicine that's messing my brain up in new and exciting ways. (In other words, I lost an entire day yesterday to drug-induced sleep, and today hasn't been much better.)

P.S. I spent several hours today watching Supernatural episodes in a bid to not think about everything I need to be doing, and you know that scene in the pilot episode? That one with the bridge and the Metallicar? (Click me, I'm a video clip of that scene! :D)

This song's for you, Supernatural. And seriously, if you don't get it, there's no hope for you. NONE.

Thurston Harris - Little Bitty Pretty One

supernatural, don't judge me!, wtf?, downloads, rl, arghh!, music, geekery

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