
Oct 11, 2006 16:12

Been busy and tired (mostly tired) the last couple of days. Will get to e-mail and reply to comments...soon-ish.


OMG. Today's Penny Arcade = Awesome. (I'm still laughing, in that omg, I would buy a golf game if Master Chief were in it. Just...just because, you know? And also, Cloud in his KH gear! Ifrit! ♥)

I also watched the BSG premiere episodes with my brother (without seeing the webisodes). He was helpful in answering some questions, mostly the 'What hapened with this character?' and 'Who's that?' and 'OMG, are they idiots?', so there was much enjoyment all round. :D

Dear god. Everyone is so, so bad at keeping secrets.

Resistance Member: Why hello, former shipmate. How's things? Care for some tea and crumpets? By the way, I'm part of the Sooper Top Sekrit Resistance Against Our Cylon Overlords. Also, I delight in tormenting my beloved pet dog by A.) Never feeding him, and B.) Turning his eternally empty food bowl over in the mud as part of a clever, clever, clever Sekrit Code and to see the look on his adorable doggy face when he realizes there will be neither kibbles nor bits for him. :D (Seriously, did that poor dog ever get fed?)

Former Shipmate Who Now Works With/For The Cylons And Is Obviously In Over His Head: What's that? You're part of the Sooper Top Sekrit Resistance Against Our Cylon Overlords? What a coincidence, I'm part of the Sooper Elite Top Sekrit Because All The Other Humans Would Kill Us If They Knew Who We Were Police Force For Our Cylon Overlords! Come, tell me ALL about your dastardly plans to free our fellow humans so that I might then inform them, and um...make decisions that tear me apart on both an emotional and moral grounds. Also, I have no idea what the hell I'm doing anymore. Please, tell me you don't hate anyone who would ally themselves with the Cylons because they're young and uncertain and were perhaps caught in a moment of weakne -

Resistance Member: If one of those bastards showed their face around me I'd gut them myself!

Former Shipmate Who Now Works With/For The Cylons And Is Obviously In Over His Head: Oh, um. So how's the wife, then? Been mysteriously taken away in the middle of the night? Because I wouldn't know ANYTHING about that.

Resistance Member: SOULESS BASTARDS!

Former Shipmate Who Now Works With/For The Cylons And Is Obviously In Over His Head: Right. I'll just be going, then? Let me know how that thing with your missing wife turns out, and thanks for the crumpets and tea.*

(Look, I'm not saying I'd do any better with the keeping of vital secrets, that should they be discovered will mean not only my death but countless others, but come on. A little suspicion would be nice, you know? Paranoia? Just because you used to be on the same ship with someone doesn't mean they're automatically on your side.)

And Geta. Way to keep a low profile by running like a madman to deliver the news about Baltar. Absolutely NOTHING suspicious going on there AT ALL.

I'm torn between sympathy for Tyrol (Tirol?) and his concern for Cally and just being annoyed at his stupid ass for bitching at Geta. I mean, Jesus. The guy's obviously smart enough to realize that it's a GOOD THING to have someone on the 'inside' who can get precious, precious information to the Resistance regarding Baltar and the goings on with the Cylon leaders, right? And he's obviously risking a lot to do that, knowing that he's put himself in a dangerous position and could possibly be discovered at any moment and all the really fun stuff that goes hand in hand with being caught like being 'interogated' and put to death. Whee! (His is a fun and carefree existence! :D :D :D :D)

And then he gets Tyrol (Tirol?) in his face about 'How can you stand to work with them' and things that basically boil down to the fact that Tyrol (Tirol?) is obviously disgusted by what he's doing, even if it's helping the Resistance.

I...okay. I can ALSO see how Tyrol (Tirol?) would have a burning hatred towards the Cylons relates to the betrayal he felt when he found out Boomer was a Cylon, The man needs help.

And. The thing with Starbuck and Ray!Cylon. OMG, creepy. I have hopes (little teeny, tiny ones) that Starbuck hasn't broken and is being way crafty and smart, realizing that if she acts like she's given in she might stand a better chance of getting away, but...yeah. I would not blame her one bit if she has broken. Everything that was done to her 'out of love' or whatever Ray!Cylon claims it to be was brilliantly done. (Which is why it's so creepy.)

I also have (even tinier) hopes that all that gunfire and shooting and apparent execution wasn't what it seemed like and there was a (totally unexpected) save for Roslin and the others by the way of the (what are they called again, Cylon-Human Police or something? I forget.) realizing what was going on and not being able to let it happen (oh, fondest wish of my heart), or you know, Resistance members or Galactica crew.

Fat Apollo. I...omg, there a word that means horrified and awed, with a touch of hysteria thrown in? Because I can't believe they did that to such a hot young man, but it looked awesome (from a makeup standpoint) and omg, laughing so hard on the inside, although there's a little part of me that wants to cry.)

I totally loved it when Adama told him to get his fat ass out of his face (or whatever he said, I forget). I just...hee!

* This may not be exactly the way it went, but really. Wouldn't it have been better this way? Imagine them sitting down to tea over blueprints of a future target with the makings of a bomb strewn in amongst the scones and crumpets, detonators placed neatly beside the teapot. AND LITTLE LACE DOILIES.

don't judge me!, bsg, web comics, geekery, awesome, spoilers

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