(no subject)

Sep 29, 2006 10:43

Oh, wow. I totally had a thought!

No, really.

I'm watching season one of SG-1 again (even though I have other things I should be doing/watching) because I miss old school SG-1 (Janet! ;_;) so, so badly even though I'm kind of fond of its current incarnation, and realized something.

You know how it's sort of a running joke actually ridiculously kind of true in fandom that the Atlantis expedition is made up of, well, second stringers and suchlike? The freaks that no one wanted to acknowledge, and yet are kind of smart in their own socially retarded ways? The ones basically sent off to die or quietly 'disappear' on a journey of awesome scientific discovery, that had they truly never been heard from again would get their very own little paragraph (maybe even a whole chapter!) in the history books devoted to them? Like Amelia Earheart!

And how Team Sheppard is the cream of the crop in Atlantis? (I know, right? It is to laugh, and all that.)

SG-1 was totally them in the early days.

It's kind of cool to watch them go from this team of misfits and outcast freaks (Jack with his screwed up issues that were magically solved by a trip through the Stargate and battle with a millenia old parasitic alien! Daniel who was laughed out of acadamia and only went to work on the Stargate Project because it was that or starve to death and found love on a trip through the Stargate and fought a millenia old parasitic alien, only to lose his love to another millenia year old parasitic alien a year later! Sam with all her issues and a chip on her shoulder regarding her chosen (CHOSEN!) career in not one, but two (TWO!) male dominated fields! Teal'c with his finally finding the right kind of people willing to engage in stupid heroics in an attempt to overthrow the false gods that had dominated his peoples' lives for too long!)

It's also awesome to watch Hammond send them out on missions when you can tell he's thinking 'Omg, what the hell am I thinking sending these guys out there?'. Oh, SG-1. I heart you so.

I mean, obviously they're of a 'higher caliber' sort of freakish outcast, what with them being SG-1, but yes.

I don't expect Team Sheppard to become SG-1 (and would probably stop watching if they did), I just find the comparison interesting. And somewhat amusing.

geekery, sg-1, sga

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