(no subject)

Jul 20, 2006 21:34

So remember how I linked to this a while back? And then got a tree branch in my eye while mowing the lawn the next day? Well yesterday I was mowing the lawn and while working the edge next to our neighbor with the batshit insane (mother? mother-in-law?) that throws junk in our backyard like it was the city dump I hit a chunk of concrete the size of my fist. We don't have one of those bags attached to the back of our lawn mower, so the piece of concrete comes flying out of the back of the lawn mower and hits me in the leg.

There was pain. There was swearing. There was omg, how the hell did that happen? And then there was me hobbling around for the rest of the afternoon in pain with a lump on my leg the size of a freaking softball. It's now down to freakishly abnormal swelling and a deep blackish bruise.

Seriously. The woman's nuts and no matter how many times we politely ask her not to dump their garbage into our yard, she smiles, says 'oh, I didn't realize anyone was living here' (even though we've been here for over fifteen years now) and then dumps garbage in our yard anyway when we're not looking. So she's tossed an old dog carrier, a rear bag catcher for a smaller lawn mower than anything we've ever owned over the fence as well as dog poo that she flings onto the roof of our tool shed.

I just...who the hell dumps chunks of old concrete in someone else's yard? Seriously. I mean, okay, I should have done a walk through or something, poked the tall grass on the edge of the property to make sure there weren't glass bottles from people passing by who are too lazy to find a garbage can, but our houses are right next to each other. I was twenty feet in from the street and wasn't expecting anything worse than maybe small twigs, you know?

I am baffled by this woman's insanity and just outright disrespect for other people's property, not to mention the fact that her family sees nothing wrong with what she does.


(Also? Last of the whiny posts, really.)

P.S. Went shopping today. Bought chocolate. Life is good.

science!, rl, arghh!

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