Why you should never drink and write...-_-;;

Aug 09, 2003 05:18

A while back (long, long ago in a galaxy - well, let's just say it was a long time ago) I was smacked upside the head with the lovely mental image of Tatsumi and Watari dancing. There's a bit of (edited) snippet I posted here as well. (I think I'd had a drink or two at the time, but I digress.)

At any rate I found the little snippets I was playing around with at the time - still slightly pickled and feeling no pain at all, I might add - so I doubt they'll make much sense as I just really, really really wanted to get the scene written and didn't really bother with anything else...I was also listening to Norah Jones' lovely song "One Flight Down" when I wrote the snippet-type thingies:

One flight down
There's a song on low
And your mind just picked up on the sound
Now you know you're wrong
Because it drifts like smoke
And it's been there playing all along
Now you know
Now you know

The reeds and brass have been weaving
Leading into a single note

In this place
Where your arms unfold
Here at least you see your ancient face
Now you know
Now you know

The cadence rolls in broken
Plays it over and then goes

One flight down
There's a song on low
And it's been there playing all along
Now you know
Now you know


(Drunkeness excuses so many things and yet so few at the same time. ^_^;;)

Tatsumi stood unblinking for a long moment, oblivious of the fact that several pairs of eyes were focused solely on him. The silence stretched into minutes until finally he seemed to come back to himself.

"Pardon me?"

There was a note of incredulity mixed with the slightest hint of warning his tone that caused his watchers to look away. Clearing his throat Tsuzuki shared a look with Hisoka, who stared back at him with a carefully indifferent expression on his face. Watari shifted uncomfortably where he stood at the head of the table, and Chief Konoe busied himself with straightening the files placed on the table before him. The clock on the wall continued to tick away.

A series of looks went around the table, starting at Watari to Chief Konoe to Hisoka to Tsuzuki, skipping Tatsumi and returning to an anxious looking Watari.

"Er...it's like this, Tatsumi. There have been several unexpl-"

Eyes going to Watari, Tatsumi held up a hand to forestall further explanations. He'd heard them well enough the first time. He was just having trouble comprehending certain bits of it. Such as the part where he somehow became a vital component in those explanations.

"No, no. I understand that part Watari. What I want to know is why me? Wouldn't Tsuzuki and Hisoka be better suited to for this particular case?"

Not looking up from what he was doing, Chief Konoe somehow managed to give the impression that he was looking directly at Tatsumi with his words and tone of voice alone.

"They would be, if it weren't for one simple factor. While his appearance has been beneficial to us in the past in some cases, this time it poses something of a problem. To be blunt, he's too young."

Almost on cue all eyes then turned to the person in question fully expecting some kind of denial or to be met with a simple, yet eloquent, glare. Instead, Hisoka gave them a patient look, one eyebrow raised.

As though unaware of the potential disaster he seemed intent on calling up, Konoe finally looked over at Tatsumi.

"His appearance would call unwanted attention to Tsuzuki and himself, and the last thing we want to do is call attention to our involvement in this case. This is an extremely delicate matter."

Eyes narrowing, Tatsumi had to wonder just exactly what constituted an 'extremely delicate matter', and more importantly, for whom. It was possible the political inter-department war was gearing up once again, but somehow he doubted that was what Chief Konoe had implied. Feeling a spark of irritation as Konoe returned to shuffling the files in front of him in a somewhat restless manner, Tatsumi opened his mouth to ask a question, and immediately closed it. There was no way to pose the question that sat on the tip of his tongue without sounding disrespectful or ungrateful.

"He's right. People would be sure to notice us if Tsuzuki and I were assigned this part of the case. And if they notice us, they would remember us." Hisoka pointed out, shifting to eye Tsuzuki warily as his partner started rooting around in his pocket for something.

Tsuzuki wasn't the only who blinked in surprise at Hisoka's rather calm statement. Usually he was rather understandably touchy about the fact that physically he would forever look sixteen while psychologically he would continue to grow and mature.

"Tsuzuki and I would be better suited to doing the background work in this instance. No one will pay attention to us then, and you would be free to pursue further clues and question anyone who might have seen something."

Tatsumi seemed to consider that for a moment and then he sat up, pinning Chief Konoe with a startlingly intent look.

"What about Terazuma and Wakaba? They would - "

"Impossible. They're busy with a case of their own. I'm afraid it's you or nothing, Tatsumi." Watari said, shrugging helplessly as Tatsumi turned his attention to him. "You're the only one who can do this."

Konoe paused in his paper shuffling to look up, his expression unexpectedly serious.

"They're working on the case involving the unexpected deaths in the hospitals in their area. You're the only one who would be best suited to this case. Watari can't do it alone -"

An indignant hoot from the vicinity of Watari's hair interrupted the older man, who had the grace to look apologetic.

"Ah, sorry, 003. What I meant was that Watari can't do this case without another human working with him. The two of you are needed."

Several more minutes passed in tense silence. Watari reached up to scratch 003's breast feathers gently, eyes flicking to Tsuzuki. Catching the look, Tsuzuki shrugged, eyes darting to Hisoka. Rolling his eyes, Hisoka pushed off form the desk he was leaning against and walked over to Tatsumi.

"Tatsumi? Chief Konoe's right. Watari can't do this without your help. Tsuzuki and I will be keeping an eye on you if anything...happens."

Blinking, Tatsumi wondered at how the table had turned. That Hisoka should be the one reassuring him. Telling him that -

Sighing, he pulled a soft cloth form his pants pocket and removed his glasses. Wiping one lens with the cloth, he gave Hisoka a wry smile.

"Ah, you're right, of course."

Hisoka watched him, the barest hint of a smile curving his lips.


Stealing glances at Tatsumi, Watari knew the other man was dangerously close to losing his temper. Definitely a rare occasion, which meant that he would have to tread carefully around him. But at the same time...it wouldn't hurt to have just a little fun, would it? It wasn't as though an opportunity like this one would come along again anytime soon. He'd been rather surprised that it had come around at all. And it would most certainly be a shame - a terrible, wasteful shame not to take full advantage of it. And besides...

Smiling a little wistfully, Watari reached out and took hold of Tatsumi's hand. Eyes narrowing at the way Tatsumi's shoulders tensed at the contact, Watari searched for a purely rational way to phrase his request. The last thing he wanted was to annoy the other man more than he already was.

"Tatsumi...would you like to dance?"

Though he showed no outward signs of it, Watari cringed inwardly as Tatsumi turned his head ever so slowly to look at him. The expression on his face was classic Tatsumi of course - perfectly neutral - but the *look* in his eyes... Oh, the look in his eyes. It was enough to give even Watari pause.

"Pardon me?"

Wondering what sort of madness had taken hold of him that night, Watari offered up a small smile and gestured towards the dance floor littered with couples moving to some inner rhythm that went beyond the music.

"Would you like to dance."

Watari made it less of a question and more of a flat statement that time, knowing by the look in Tatsumi's eyes what the answer would be. Tatsumi just didn't do things like that; it would be horribly improper. Worst of all... Well, Watari didn't quite know what the worst of all was, but he was certain there was one. Somewhere. There always was.

Tatsumi blinked at him, as though not sure he'd heard Watari right.


Sighing, Watari shook his head and looked away from Tatsumi, past the dancing couples to the far wall covered in paper streamers and brightly colored decorations.

"Never mind, Tatsumi. It was silly of me, we should be concentrating on the case."

Letting go of Tatsumi's hand, Watari was surprised when he felt the other man's fingers tighten around his.

"It would make us look less conspicuous if we were to join in the festivities would it not, Watari?"

Surprised at the fact that Tatsumi was holding his hand of his own volition for the first time since they'd begun this case, Watari could only nod in agreement. When what Tatsumi had said finally registered in his mind, he smiled.

"Ah, it would."

Tatsumi returned his smile, the look in his eyes more than enough to set Watari at ease.

"And I must say that you look stunning in black, Watari. The color becomes you."

Blinking, Watari was about to ask what had brought that on when he heard the distinct sound of giggling off to his left. Turning his head o look, he managed not to grimace as he recognized the figure smirking at him.

"Ah, Kimiko. I didn't see you there."

Kimiko's smirk widened, her eyes narrowing in amusement. Almost unconsciously Watari edged closer to Tatsumi...the woman gave off a very unpleasant aura. Much like a shark. Or perhaps a piranha. At least the reason for Tatsumi's compliment was clear now. A pity really, he would have liked for Tatsumi to say those words without needing a reason at all...

"Of course not, dear. Eavesdropping is no fun otherwise."

If possible, her smirk grew even wider.

Perhaps comparing her to a piranha had been too kind, and it most certainly insulted the creature in question. They at least had the decency to devour their prey in minutes. Watari had the feeling that Kimiko would take her time.

"Of course." Watari said weakly, wondering just what it was about the woman that set him so ill at ease. She hardly cut an imposing figure, what with the fact that the top of her head barely reached to the middle of his chest. Nor did the heart-shaped face and large doe-like eyes seem all that threatening at first glance. It wasn't until you actually looked into her eyes that you felt that first sense of impending danger niggling at the back of your mind. The second was when she smiled at you in *that* way. The one that seemed designed to make one feel like nothing more than a doll to her... A...plaything.

Either sensing Watari's discomfort or wanting to get away from the woman for his own reasons, Tatsumi excused them and pulled the other man along behind him as he headed for the dance floor. Knowing better than to question divine intervention, Watari followed gratefully, though he couldn't get rid of the feeling of her eyes on his back. Watching him.

Stopping just short of the dance floor, Tatsumi offered Watari a small smile over his shoulder.

"I hope you don't mind that I cut your...conversation with Kimiko short, Watari."

Having regained some of his composure, Watari glared half-heartedly at Tatsumi, eyes narrowed.

"Funny, Tatsumi. Perhaps you'd like to go back and talk to her while I get something to drink? She seems quite interested in you. Fascinated, I'd say."

"I'd love to, but I believe you wanted to dance?"

Snorting, Watari eyed Tatsumi speculatively. He certainly seemed to be in a much better mood now, which was always nice. But... Eh, best not to tempt fate.

"I'd be honored."

Smiling, Tatsumi led the way onto the dance floor. Seeking out a spot that was slightly less crowded than the rest of the area, Tatsumi turned to Watari and sketched a small bow. Startled, Watari smiled and did the same.

"Such a gentleman, Tatsumi."

Tatsumi smiled again and stepped forward and settled the hand not holding Watari's on the other man's shoulder. Grinning, Watari mirrored him, wondering if he remembered the steps to the dance -

"It's a slow song, Watari. All you need to do is move to the beat." Tatsumi whispered, the smile on e his face matching the one in his eyes. Not amusement this time, but something altogether different. Something...warmer.

"Ah. It's been a while since I've danced." Watari admitted, relaxing into Tatsumi's arms. "I'm afraid anything more complicated is beyond me at the moment."



Refusing to turn his head, Tatsumi caught a flash of gold framed by black at the edge of his vision. Moments later a hand was placed before him, palm up in obvious invitation.

"It's going to look strange if we don't join in the festivities, you know. It might even ruin our cover."

Grinding his teeth at the slightly smug tone to the all too familiar voice, Tatsumi looked over at the figure beside him. Watari had certainly fallen into his role with ease, and Tatsumi found it worrying that he thought the other man quite attractive. Certainly he looked good in black, and with his hair down the way it was it framed his face perfectly, drawing attention to his eyes.

"That dress looks lovely on you, Watari." He managed, noting the expectant look in the other man's eyes.

Watari's lips curved upwards into a knowing little smile, inclining his head in acknowledgement.

"I'll bet that you never thought you'd ever say that to me, eh Tatsumi?"

Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Tatsumi took the hand Watari held out to him and bowed over it. Whatever he personally thought of this mission, he was still a gentleman. And Watari was...well, Watari was...

"So polite, Tatsumi. I'm sure the ladies were all over themselves to get to you."

Gently turning Watari's hand over, Tatsumi pressed a light kiss to his knuckles.

"Don't press your luck, Watari. Have you heard anything?"

Taking his hand back, Watari cocked his head to the side, eyes sliding away from Tatsumi's.

"Only that the lobster is exceptionally good tonight. And to avoid the oysters, they smell a bit off."

Eyes narrowing, Tatsumi straightened, the smile he wore completely at odds with the look in his eyes. Seeing that, Watari smiled sweetly, batting his eyelashes at him.

"You wouldn't dare raise your hand against a lady now would you Tatsumi? That would be horribly uncouth."

Tatsumi's smile hardened at the edges, the look in his eyes dropping a few degrees.

"I thought you wanted to dance, Watari."

Eyes lighting up with genuine delight, Watari linked his arm through Tatsumi's and pulled him out onto the dance floor. Once there, he turned to regard Tatsumi suspiciously. For his part Tatsumi remained smiling, which only worried Watari more.

"Ehhh...you do know how to dance, don't you Tatsumi?"

The slight twitch at the corners of Tatsumi's mouth was answer enough.

Brushing a strand of honey-gold hair from his eyes, Watari studied Tatsumi as though he were one of his experiments. A look that did nothing to set Tatsumi at ease.

"Well...look. They're playing slow songs for the couples now. All you have to do is hold onto me and kind of...sway." Seeing the slightly trapped expression on Tatsumi's face, Watari smiled a little sadly. "Don't worry, Tatsumi. Everyone thinks I'm a woman, they won't say anything."

Struck by the note of almost longing, and sadness in Watari's voice and in his eyes, Tatsumi tried to tell the other man that that hadn't been the problem - it was the fact that he couldn't dance that was - but then the music began and Watari pulled him to the center of the dance floor, and there was no more time to explain. That didn't make the sharp pang of guilt he'd felt hurt any less however.

"See, Tatsumi? It's easy. Personally I think they made slow dances for couples. Even people who say they can't dance can do them."

Tatsumi noted that Watari was avoiding his eyes as they danced, gaze locked on a point just over his left shoulder.


tatari, lyrics, anime, ynm, snippet

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